Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas: October Vintage Finds

Vintage Finds October 2015

As many of my readers know I love vintage shopping and I thought that maybe I would share with you guys a few of my most recent vintage finds.

Pumpkin Sweater

Pumpkin Colored Sweater
Pumpkin Colored Sweater

October 13th was my birthday so I decided to spoil myself and get this amazing 1960’s pumpkin colored sweater. It’s from @ladyjanevintage shop and I’m totally in love with it.

I’d been wanting a sweater in this style and color for a while, but it’s hard to find such an item in my size. I was super lucky that not only was it in my size it was a great price, so I quickly purchased it.

Phone Receiver

This next item isn’t exactly vintage, but it does pay homage to a vintage item. For a long while I wanted one of these cute phone receivers that connect to your smart phone and allow you to use it as you would a vintage style corded phone.

Corded Phone Receiver for smartphone
Corded Phone Receiver for smartphone

It’s funny to think a corded phone receiver is actually vintage to some people, I had one in my house growing up pretty much all the time. Anyways this smartphone accessory was on clearance at my local book store for $7 so I couldn’t pass up the deal.

They came in a variety of colors, but I choose red. I’ve really enjoyed using it as it’s easy to set on your shoulder allowing you to talk hands free sort of. At least it feels more natural than leaning on your flat smartphone, but I guess it would be odder to a younger generation. None the less I love it!

Thread Display

The last item on my list isn’t something I recently got, but recently got to use. I purchased this amazing YLI thread display over the summer, but since the move I hadn’t gotten a chance to even unpack it.

YLI Silk Thread Display
YLI Silk Thread Display

This past week though I cleaned it up with some wood polish and took all my vintage thread and set it in a proper display place in my sewing room.

I love it so much and can you believe I got it for under $35 dollars. It’s amazing and looks great in the room.

We’ll that’s all my vintage finds for the month of October. I hope to share more “vintage finds” posts with you guys as I find them.

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Akram's Ideas: October Vintage Finds

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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