Akram's Ideas
Pattern review of the Tilly and Buttons Agnes top, the ultimate t-shirt pattern.

Tilly’s Agnes Top is The Ulimate T-shirt Pattern

My favorite pattern of the summer has to be the Tilly and the Buttons Agnes top! By now you’ve probably seen a few of my Agnes tops on my Instrgram feed or perhaps in some of my Youtube videos. With that said I can’t believe I haven’t posted about it until now.

The Agnes Top

Perhaps because I made so many (4 in total and plans for more soon), and because I shared it on social media I guess I just forgot to give this pattern it’s well-deserved blog post review. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
The Agnes top , why haven’t I made it sooner

Well, if you haven’t guessed this pattern is amazing! As are all of Tilly and the Buttons patterns I was really impressed with the pattern itself and the instructions. 

The contsturction 

Now while I do love this pattern that isn’t to say that I didn’t have any fit issues.

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
Here you can see some fit issues with my first toile

The first time around I cut a size 8 because I was afraid that the 7 would be to tight fitting. Turns out the 8 didn’t give me the snug look the pattern cover image has. 

I also found that my first toile also had issues with the neckband. I believe it was too big (maybe too small) regardless I had issues and a lot of gaping around the neck. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
Not enough fabric? An Agnes tank will do nicely.

After reaching discusing my fit issues with others in the Dressmaking Blogging Network Facebook group, I decided to make my next version using a size 6 graded to a 7 at the waist. I also used the 85% neck band method to draft my own neckband. This would work perfectly. Both the neckband and fit were spot on.   

Sewing Summary
Date August 4 Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
Pattern: Tilly and the Buttons – Agnes Top
Version: Sleeveless and ruched sleeve
Size: 6 graded to 7 at waist
Notes & Modification: Self drafted neckband to fit
Recommendations: Neckband did not fit, recut using the 85% neckband method
Difficulty: Intermeidate Beginer Ratting:

The Ultimate T-Shirt

My first toile and second version both turned out as Agnes tanks as I didn’t have enough fabric for the seleves. Which doesn’t really highlight why I love this pattern, and that is the adorable ruched sleeves. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
It’s all about the ruched sleeves

After getting the fit straightened out I ended up making two more version a blue one and a red one. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes top red
I love the look of this top

I really can’t decide which one I love more. They are both so cute and versatile. 

I’ve been wearing my Agnes tops with jeans, skirts, and slacks. It’s also a great transitional piece since I can layer it under cardigans as well. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top, Ultimate T-Shirt Pattern
Adding a jackect give this top a professional look

You can bet that these 4 Agnes tops won’t be the last I make. I actually have plans for an Agnes dress but have had to push it back in the sewing que for right now. But don’t worry you’ll probably see it before the end of the year, as well as a few more tops too. 

Pattern review of the Tilly and Buttons Agnes top, the ultimate t-shirt pattern. ee

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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