Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas: Winter Skirt - Semi-Circle Skirt

Winter Skirts: Semi-Circle Skirt

After finally making my very own circle skirt I decided I really wanted to make another. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough of my warmer fabrics (wool, felt, corduroy, etc) to do this.

So, I opted to make a semi-circle/half-circle skirt, instead. From the beginning of my winter skirt challenge I knew that I could pull off a semi-circle skirt using fabric from my stash.

I decided to go with this woolen plaid. It has a great mix of colors, from magenta and pink tones, to yellow and blues.

Purple, magenta, yellow, and blue plaid
Purple, magenta, yellow, and blue plaid

I decided this time to construct my pattern using a circle skirt pattern calculator as a guide; this way I also got the measurement for the length exactly where I wanted it.

Since the skirt wasn’t as full or as long as the circle skirt, I managed to cut it on my sewing table.

Unlike most of the projects I’ve been sewing I decided not to French seam the skirt, instead I opted for a quick pinking of the raw edges instead. Since the woolen fabric didn’t fray much, I figured I could save time this way.

Pinked seams on inside skirt
Pinked seams on inside skirt

I also decided to have some fun, by adding side pockets to the skirt. To do this I used the pocket pattern from my Simplicity pattern 2215 to cut out the pocket from some left over magenta cotton fabric I had lying around.

Pocket assembly
Pocket assembly

I measured the Simplicity patter skirt from waist to the top of the pocket. I used this measurement to help me place the pocket in the right place.

While adding the pockets and matching plaids wasn’t too bad, I ran Ito all kinds of issues adding the zipper. Because I added pockets the side zipper did not want to go in as planned.

Pockets on inside of skirt
Pockets on inside of skirt

I re-did the zipper five times and finally just decided to give up! It is by no means a good zipper install, but I figure my sweater can be worn over the waist and no one will be the wiser.

Completed skirt
Completed skirt

As, with the circle skirt I had some fabric left over so I might also make a matching hair bow, but for right now I decided to pair the skirt with one of my many purple hats.

Pairing the skirt with purple cardigan, hat and vintage broach
Pairing the skirt with purple cardigan, hat and vintage broach

Besides the zipper, the only other issue I have with the skirt is that is wool, so it is itchy. I kind of wish I lined the skirt, but since I’ll wear it with a petticoat, or very least a slip, I guess it won’t be a big deal.

On the whole, I’m happy, with yet another winter vintage style skirt I’ve added to my winter wardrobe. Now for one more skirt to go.

Skirt paired with my Ebay bought black pettiecoat
Skirt paired with my Ebay bought black petticoat

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas

