I believe there is some old saying about how you should never miss an opportunity to network because you never know whom you’ll meet.
Well, it’s true, sometimes by chance you make a connection and good things come out of it. Which is what happened to me when I agreed to be a judge for a homecoming event at the University.
The event required a student judge a staff member judge, faculty judge (that was me) and a community member judge.
While the event wasn’t anything to write about, prior to the event the judges waited around in a room chit chatting. I introduced myself to the other ladies, who I had not met before and somewhere during conversations one of the ladies mentioned having to clear out her mother-in-laws house, as she is being moved into a home.
She started talking about having to donate boxes of “old” magazines and donate them to the library. The word old caught my attention, “oh, how old?”
She responded by saying, something like 60’s and 70’s. My heart sank; did she just get rid of vintage magazines? Then she followed up by saying, they weren’t even popular magazines, mostly just knitting and sewing magazines.
Seriously?? And she got rid of them? But, it was obvious from her tone that to her these were just clutter. Only a vintage/sewing lover as myself would find value in such a thing.
I started thinking is there were sewing magazines perhaps this mother-in-law also had vintage patterns. So, I asked, and the response was, “yes, lots, and I don’t know what I’d do with them.”
So, being the helpful person I am, I graciously volunteered to take them off her hands. A week later she, contacted me to pick up three tote full of patterns. All, she wanted in return was that they be gone.

Can you imagine my delight as I loaded up the car with my new prize!
The patterns range from the 1960’s to more recent 2000’s. There is a wide range of patterns, mostly women’s clothes.

There is also quite a few children’s clothes and accessories. I guess that means my little niece, Layla will be getting more stuff sewn for her.

I still can’t get over this stash, which kind of just fell into my lap. It just goes to show you’ll never know who’ll meet or what opportunities are waiting for you.

Now, I have to find time to catalog all these patterns. But that’s a problem I can live with.
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