Akram's Ideas

Vintage Pattern Haul, a Jackpot Find

As many of you know I love vintage patterns, and as it so happens I have quite a stash… like somewhere around the thousands. 

With that said the last thing I probably need are more patterns, but when you stumble upon ones that are in your size range, it’s kind of hard to pass up. 

My Vintage Pattern Haul

A few weeks ago we went to visit my family in Oklahoma City and on the way back to Tulsa we made a stop in Guthrie, Oklahoma. 

Gutherie is one of the older cities in Oklahoma and they have a great historic downtown that has several antique shops. 

Sharing a few of my favorite vintage patterns I picked up in my latest vintage pattern haul.
What a great find
I wasn’t planning on actually getting anything, in particular, that day, but when I spotted a box of patterns with 38 to 42-inch bust sizes I couldn’t pass them up. 

The patterns were $2 each and I bought about 50 maybe a little less. Still, it was a really good deal for vintage patterns. 

What to Sew Next

Akram's Ideas: Simplicity 5890
Already on my sewing table
I’ve already cut into 5890 but not sure what I want to make next.

I’d love to hear in the comments below what pattern you’d like to see make it to my fall sewing plans. 

I hope to have my autumn plans finalized and posted around the 20th, so let me know soon. 

Sharing a few of my favorite vintage patterns I picked up in my latest vintage pattern haul.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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