Akram's Ideas
My Vintage Purses

Vintage Handbags

Today, I thought I’d give you a peek at my vintage handbag collection. Though, nowhere near as large as my vintage hat collection.

I probably have about 15 vintage purses in my collection along with say 10 or so modern purses. Okay so I have a lot of purses.

I’ve always been one to buy a new purse here or there, especially if they are a good price. I hate buying anything over $20 if I can avoid it. Thus, all the purses I’ve bought myself have been really reasonable.

Picnic Purse
I like the basket look of this purse.

Vintage handbags though, always seemed out of my price range, until Recently I’ve been coming across vintage handbags at really great deals and that also matched many of my vintage style outfits.

While most of my purses were all under $20 I didn’t shell out $28 for a vintage vinyl black purse with the 50’s- 60’s style to it. Though it was more than I usually pay I’d been looking for such a purse for quite a while.

This purse I shelled out $28 for.
This purse I shelled out $28 for.

Not all of my purse purchases have been vintage per-say. I came across a lovely Fossil purse which is a vintage reproduction of a vintage style purse. I love the turquoise color and wooden handles and it goes perfect with the beach style dress that I have in the same color.

Fossil Purse
I bought this mainly because I saw the wooden key. I also collect keys.

I really am surprised at how well kept many of these vintage purses are, they like brand new in most cases. However, I have been known to purse a few that need a little repair.

Vintage Clutch
This clutch is a little frayed but I think I could add some sequenced trim to fix it up.

Another thing I like about purchasing vintage purses are the little treasures you find inside of them. 

Little Black Purse
Little Black Purse I bought for $6 at a Tulsa antique store.

This black purse which I purchased at a Tulsa antique store included the ticket stubs to a 1968 theatrical performance, I hope they enjoyed it.

1968 Ticket stubs
1968 Ticket stubs


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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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