It’s been so warm lately it’s hard to believe that March has only just begun. The last week of February the weather was in the 70’s and there were even days where I had to turn on the AC.
It sounds crazy but not unheard of, at least not for Oklahoma weather. Anyways, all this warm weather has put spring on my mind. After all March 20th is the first day of spring and I’m ready for it.
In his novel Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy wrote “Spring is the time of plans and projects”. I couldn’t agree more with this statement.
During the winter month the cold dreary weather makes one not want to do much. Spring is all about new life, new beginnings new … well just about everything.
So, it’s no surprise that I have a lot planned this spring. First more YouTube videos! I hope you guys have been enjoying my Akram’s Ideas channel on YouTube. I have a lot more in the works, so don’t forget to subscribe to get notified when I release a new one.
Besides videos I’ve been working on new items to place in my Akram’s Ideas Esty shop and a few more free patterns I plan to share with you guys.
Also, because the weather has been so nice I actually have a few outfit posts planned this month.
As, you can see March is already looking amazingly busy! Still with spring break a few weeks away I’m hoping me and my hubby will find time to take a mini vacation. We haven’t really had one in the last few years, so I think we’re due for one.
There you have my spring plans, at least for March anyways. Stay tuned for all these plans to hopefully come to fruition.
How marvelous! We’re not quite at that point yet (in fact we just had an icy cold hailstorm here yesterday), but one does sense that it’s rounding the bend again, and believe me when I saw that my sundresses, straw hats and sandals are waiting to eagerly greet it head on! 🙂
Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
Hello Miss Jessica, here’s hoping spring finds it’s way to you soon 😉