Akram's Ideas

How to Organize Your Fabric Stash

If you watched my last YouTube upload or follow me on social media you would have heard by now that I moved. While I’m super excited about my new house there is still so much unpacking to do.

Organize Your Fabric Stash

In the midst of unpacking my sewing room I thought I’d take the opportunity to share my tips for how to organize your fabric stash.

For the bookcases I used the Mainstays Walmart 5-shelf bookcases , which cost around $25 to $30 dollars. They are about 6ft tall and 3 of the shelves are adjustable.

As for the fabric cardboard backs, I got them free at my local Joann Fabric store. Basically, I just asked what they did with the cardboard after the fabric was sold. They said they just throw them away. So, I asked if I could have what they didn’t want. They pretty much gave me all I could carry.

It’s not the fanciest setup but it works for me. Right now I have 4 bookcases of fabric that pretty much line one whole wall in my sewing room.

Rolled Fabric

Sadly though this is not all my fabric. When I filmed this I still hadn’t unpacked the rest of my fabric. The fabric still needing to be unpacked is usually rolled and most likely will be stored in my sewing room closet.

Learn how to organize your fabric stash using a few bookcases and free cardboard.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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