Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas: How to Organize Hair Scarves

How to Organize Hair Scarves

January is all about new beginnings and with that comes the perfect time for some deep cleaning and reorganization. The timing is perfect for me, having just moved at the beginning of the month, I’m still unpacking.

As I go through each box and unpack I’m trying to keep as organized as possible and really assess whether I need said item or not. I’m such a hoarder, but in a good way. I mean everything can be repurposed into something else right? It must be the crafter in me that can’t get rid of things.

Hair Scarves

Anyways, this weekend while cleaning I thought I’d share with you how I organized my hair scarfs.  I have quite a collection of scarves, that came from all sorts of places. Some I’ve had since I was a teenager, some I made and some I thrifted.

Akram's Ideas: How to Organize Hair Scarves
This is only a small pile of my hair scarves

Needless to say I have a lot and it’s pretty hard to find the one I’m looking for when they are all tossed in a drawer. Another downside to them being tossed in a drawer is that the silk ones can get wrinkled fairly easy.

There are those special hangers for scarves. However my hanging closet space is limited and some of the scarves are thicker / longer than others, so the hanging them for me wasn’t really an option.

I wanted to keep the in the drawer but I needed a way to see them and keep them nicely folded.

My Solution

So here’s my simple solution to keeping my scarves all organized. I use index cards.

index card
I used a 5″ X 7″ card, but you might be able to use a smaller size one.

That’s right, I had a large quantity of 7 inch by 5 inch index cards that I had gotten a long while ago, from a surplus. Not knowing what to do with them I decided to use them as the base for my scarf organization.

Basically I take the scarf and depending on it’s size, I may fold it in half then basically wrap it around the card.

Step 1 : fold scarf in half
Step 1 : fold scarf in half
Step 2: Place on card at fold
Step 2: Place on card at fold
Step 3: Wrap around card
Step 3: Wrap around card
Step 4 : When completely wrapped around card place, in drawer
Step 4 : When completely wrapped around card place, in drawer

Next I place it in my drawer. I have a simple set of those plastic 3-drawer containers that you can find at Walmart, to store them in.

The scarves are too limp to stay nicely folded and stacked on their own, but the index card gives them just the right amount of firmness. Then I just file them into the drawer, like a file cabinet.

Scarves placed in plastic drawer, all organized.
Scarves placed in plastic drawer, all organized.

This method works great for me, my scarves are easy to see and access. I also prefer to sort them by color, so matching an outfit is easier too.

I hope this has given you some ideas for storing your hair scarves.

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Akram's Ideas: How to Organize Hair Scarves

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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