Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas: Boho Road Trip Style

Boho Road Trip Style

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Now that it’s March it means that spring break is right around the corner. Which means thus starts the season of road trips.

I don’t know about you but I love fun road trips, whether it’s a one day drive or a week long adventure, road trips are the best.

Dressing for the Drive

While you all know I love me my big circle skirts and vintage style dresses, they aren’t always the ideal attire to wear on a road trip. Sometimes you want something a little more casual a little more easy to get in and out of the car. Sorry but petticoats aren’t that easy to hop out in, and let’s not even talk about a quick pit stop in one.

Akram's Ideas: Boho Road Trip Style look
Channeling my inner 70s style

So, what does one wear for a road trip and still have a vintage like style? There are a lot of choices out there but recently I’ve noticed I’ve been leaning towards a 1970s bohemian look.

Boho Fashion

The Bohemian style of fashion has been around for over 200 years. However, most people today associate it with the hippie culture of the late 1960s and early 70s.

Akram's Ideas: Boho Road Trip Style Dress
This cotton dress has a boho look to it

The Boho look , as it currently referred to is consists of fashion styles that include:

  • Loose fitted flowy clothing made of natural fabrics
  • Colorful scarves worn at the neck, on the head, or instead of a belt
  • Peasant style clothing including tunics, loose trousers, boots, and sandals
  • Mix and matching of non-traditional prints and color combinations
  • Large dangle or large hoop earrings
  • Broad brimmed hats
  • Patched clothing
  • Paisley, flowered fabrics, ruffles, lace edged sleeves

Modcloth Boho Mojo

If you are looking to add some Boho looks of your own to your wardrobe one great place to find them is of course my favorite online retailer, Modcloth.

Peasant Shirts

One of my favorite staples of Boho style is of course the peasant shirt. They are not only comfy, but I love their wispy sleeves.

Zagreb and Flow Top
Zagreb and Flow Top
Belles and Giggles Top
Belles and Giggles Top

Both the Zagreb & Flow Top and the Belles & Giggles Top are two great examples of peasant shirts which Modcloth offers.

Flowy Dress

Another great Boho style outfit is the long flowy dress. Usually these dresses have a much more understated bodice, one that looks more like a simple tank, but features a long flowing skirt and made from a lightweight fabric like cotton or rayon.

Best of Ren Fest Dress
Best of the Ren Fest Dress
Searching High and Bungalow Dress
Searching High and Bungalow Dress

I think both the Best of the Ren Fest Dress and the Searching High & Bungalow Dress at Modcloth , have that classic Boho dress look.

Boho Accessories

What road trip would be complete without a way to keep the sun at bay. Two iconic Boho accessories a stylish wide brim hat and big sunglasses.

Bron to Be Styled Hat
Bron to Be Styled Hat
Bask in the Day Sunglasses
Bask in the Day Sunglasses

Once again Modcloth has a wide selection of hats and sunglasses. I really like the Born to be styled Hat and the Bask in the Day Sunglasses.

Get your own Boho Look

Hopefully I’ve given you some ideas for a fun casual 70s inspired Boho look. Again this style is great for a road trip or just a quick trip around town.

Modcloth Spring Standouts

For more ideas and Boho fashion I suggest checking out Modcloth’s spring out collection today. With so many great options and prices, surely you’ll find something that you’ll love.

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Akram's Ideas: Boho Road Trip Style


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  • Awesome post and styling ideas! I’m a huge fan of boho styles, too, and firmly believe that if I didn’t wear vintage nearly all the time, my look would be a cross between boho and goth (somehow “gotho” just doesn’t sound right though :D).

    ♥ Jessica

    • “Gotho” I like it! I totally understand where you are coming from. I wore a lot of goth dresses in my late teens early twenties, but unfortunately I liked color far too much to stick with it. So, I can definitely see a goth / boho mix.

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

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