Akram's Ideas
5 No Bake Valentine Treats

5 No Bake Valentine Treats

For the past some Valentine’s my hubby has surprised me with making a chocolate cake in the shape of a heart. It’s a special treat and really sweet since he hardly ever takes it upon himself to bake anything.

In return I usually make him a sugar-free pie or maybe sugar-free muffins, just depends what he’s in the mood for.

However, since we are currently without a full working kitchen, thanks to our endless kitchen remodel, making a cake, pie or even muffins was somewhat out of the question. So, I thought what if I was to make a no-bake treat instead.

With that said I decided to find some possible no-bake valentine treats to try out. For my search I turned to Pinterest and found what I’m calling my list of 5 No-Bake Valentine Treats.

Easy Pink Lemonade Fudge

The first one on the list is Back For Second’s Easy Pink Lemonade Fudge. This colorful fudge is made the same way as traditional fudge only with white chocolate chips and the inclusion of a packet of dry pink lemonade Kool-Aid mix. I’m thinking that I could do the same, maybe I could use strawberry Kool-Aid instead, for a sweeter taste.

Back For Second's Pink Lemonade Fudge
Back For Second’s Pink Lemonade Fudge

Of course if I’m making it for my hubby, it will have to be sugar-free. I know Hershey has sugar-free chocolate chips, but don’t know if they have sugar-free white chocolate chips. Also, I’m not sure condensed milk comes sugar-free at all. Beside’s my hubby doesn’t really like fudge, so maybe I’ll have him make this for me instead J.

No-Bake Cheesecake Truffles

The next possible recipe on my list, are these scrumptious No-Bake Cheesecake Truffles from a Beautiful Mess. The recipe is basically takes a box of Jell-O No-Bake Cheesecake and prepares it as directed. Then it tops the cheesecake with Cherry Pie Filling. Next using a melon scooper it scoops out little balls of the cheesecake and then coves each cheesecake ball with red candy melts.

Beautiful Mess' No-Bake Cheesecake Truffles
Beautiful Mess’ No-Bake Cheesecake Truffles

This is fun, but not exactly sugar-free. Since it also makes quite a lot of truffles, this might be a good recipe to make and share with my colleagues at work, since the day before Valentine’s we have an all day meeting.

Red Velvet No-Bake Cheesecake

One of my favorite food sites, Jelly Toast had a Red Velvet No-Bake Cheesecake. Unlike the last recipe this cheesecake was made from scratch and consisted of cream cheese, confectioners sugar and white chocolate. The red velvet portion was simply created using a little red food dye in the cheesecake mix.

Jelly Toast's No-Bake Red Velvet Cheesecake
Jelly Toast’s No-Bake Red Velvet Cheesecake

What I liked most about this recipe was the curst, was make of crumbled chocolate sandwich cookies (ie. Oreos).

This is another recipe, which probably doesn’t transition well to a sugar-free recipe, but I loved how pretty it looks.

Strawberry Cream Pie

Goldilocks Kitchen has a delicious looking recipe for a Strawberry Cream Pie. This no-bake pie is basically made up of strawberry jam, frozen strawberries, condensed milk, and cool whip all mixed together and placed in a graham cracker crust.

Goldilocks' Kitchen Strawberry Cream Pie
Goldilocks’ Kitchen Strawberry Cream Pie

The recipe seems fairly easy and straight forward, but I’m concerned about the sugar in the condensed milk. While I do find the recipe intriguing and might try someday, I think I have a sugar-free Jell-o recipe that is quite similar in a cookbook somewhere, which I actually might make instead.

Jell-O Strawberry Parfait

The last recipe I added to my list might be a winner. The Jell-O Strawberry Parfait from A Grateful Prayer and Thankful Heart’s website is both mouth-watering and lovely.

I’ve actually made such a recipe in the past. Basically you take one 8oz packet or two 4oz packet of Strawberry Jell-o and mix it with slightly less water than directed. You pour half the Jell-o into a glass, and then mix the remaining mix with cool whip. Then you top each of your glassed jell-o with the cool whip mixture.

Grateful Prayer and Thankful Heart's Strawberry Parfait
Grateful Prayer and Thankful Heart’s Strawberry Parfait

What I like about the version on A Grateful Prayer’s website is the addition of the strawberry slices and the creative setting in the glasses.

One reason I think this is the recipe that I’ll make my hubby this year, is that it can be make completely sugar-free. This can be achieved by using both sugar-free Jell-o mix and sugar-free cool whip.

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5 No Bake Valentine Treats

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

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