After reviewing all my sewing projects from 2014, I feel quite accomplished. At the same time, however, I’m wondering how I will top this list of successful makes.
My Sewing Resolutions
With that said I started thinking about what my sewing resolutions for 2015 would be and what all I’d like to accomplish for this “charming” year as I’m calling it.
Sewing Resolution #1: No Last Minute Projects

I am notorious for deciding last-minute that I will suddenly sew a complex pattern and be completed within say, the span of 2 days time, in order to wear for a specific event.
This almost always ends in pain and misery. Take my Apple Dress from last year, I had planned to make it for Apple Day, a yearly tradition at PSU (where I work). Unfortunately, I hadn’t given myself time and was up the night before still working on it. Needless to say, I had to teach class the next morning so of course I didn’t finish the dress. I was so frustrated with my failure that I didn’t even finish the dress for another 2 weeks.
On the other hand, my Sew for Victory dress, I had planned out early on and while I was still close on the due date, I had pretty everything completed before then.
My resolution for this year is plan all sewing projects out in advance, so I won’t be crying last-minute.
Sewing Resolution #2: Take Proper Notes

Sometimes I’m so involved in the sewing process that I forget to take notes of my process. For example if I decided to change the seam allowance to allow for more room in the armhole or if I chose another method of doing something, than how the patter instructs. This is particularly problematic when I want to go back and create the same project a second time.
Recently I made a lovely throw pillow, basically with my own measurements. I love the pillow so much I want to make a whole set. However, I didn’t’ write down how big the fabric pieces were or what seam allowance I used. Of course I could just estimate based on the finished product, but gee I wish I took notes.
Given my first resolution, I hope that I would be able to give myself more time for each project to take proper notes throughout the process. These notes I also hope to eventually share with my readers in blog posts for each corresponding project.
Sewing Resolution #3: Take More Photos

This resolution kind of complements resolution #2, as with taking proper notes with each picture, I plan to have time to take more photos.
With past projects sometimes I didn’t take photos of all of the process or neglected to get a photo of the final product.
In general I want to take more photos and better my photography skills, so taking more photos of my sewing projects is just one way to help with this.
Sewing Resolution #4: Focus on Quality

I often find I have little time to spend on hobbies such as sewing, since my day job is rather demanding. However, when I do have a day or two to dedicate to sewing I find I’m often rushing through projects to squeeze as many in as possible. Resulting in not the best fit, or a garment that I’ll have to fix later, before I can properly wear it.
Instead of focusing on the amount of projects I work on my resolution is to focus on the quality. My goal is to make the best-made garments and accessories as I possibly can, ones that I will truly be proud of the work.
This means taking the dedicated time to cut nice straight lines, use French seams or bias tape, line the inside of dresses and skirts for a more finished look.
Sewing Resolution #5: Try New Things

Since I’ve only been sewing two or so years now, I find I’m still very afraid to attempt certain projects. Yet, as we all know the only way to better your skills is to try new things.
This year I’d really like to take a stab at making my first bra and sewing with knits. I’d also like to try other sewing techniques in projects, such as decorative stitching and embellishing garments with lace and rick-rack for example.
Wish me Luck
So, these are my 5 sewing resolutions. Along with that my other goals are to complete a minimum of 12 projects this year (approximately 1 a month) and to sew at least 5 vintage patterns joining with A Stitching Odyssey’s #vinagepledge once again. I’m hoping to participate in more sew-alongs and have already signed up to be a part of Sew Retro Roes’ SEWsterhood of the Travelling Pattern. I’ve also recently learned about the seamless pledge, where you pledge to sew your own clothes and not to purchase any new clothes, for a certain period of time, which you set yourself. With that said I have decided to take this pledge and vow not to buy any new clothes between now and the end of the spring semester Jan 10 thru May 15 and instead only sew new fashionable wears if I so choose.

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