Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas: 2014 Sewing Review

2014 Sewing Review

This past year of 2014, I felt that I didn’t really sew all that much. Home improvement projects during the summer kept me from sewing too much and then there’s work, which keeps me fairly busy all year round.

However, when I started putting together my list of 2014 sewing projects I found that I had in fact made more than I did in 2013. The reason that it didn’t feel the same is most likely because many of the items, which I sewed, were not for me, but for my adorable niece Layla, who will be turn a whole year old at the end of the month.

Layla Joon Bennett
Layla Joon – isn’t she adorable

2014 Sewing Review

Taking a quick look at what I made I put together a few collages by season.

2014 Sewing Projects : Jan thru April

Early year & Spring Sewing

I started the year with the last project of 2013, my button skirt, which I added to this list, since it didn’t make my list last year. I followed up with a very belated birthday dress present for my sister @Fatebee, and then some fun dresses for myself.

2014 Sewing Projects : May thru Aug

Summer Sewing

During the summer I actually did find time to sew, including some non-blogged about projects. At this point you can see I’ve certainly began sewing a lot more for Layla, than myself.

2014 Sewing Projects : Sept thru Nov

Fall Sewing

The fall semester always seems busier than the spring semester, so I didn’t feel like I did much sewing. However, I did manage to whip up a few accessories, a very cherrieful outfit and more clothes for little Layla.


2014 Sewing Projects : Dec

Winter Sewing

Finally with only one-month left in 2014 I found that I was on a sewing marathon. I worked on two extremely detailed and rather difficult purses/bags as gifts. I also challenged myself to whip up 4 skirts to add to my winter wardrobe.

Failures and Successes

Let’s start with failures so we can end on a good note.


First failure was the Maternity Valentine Dress, it was late, the cape lining was sloppy, and had fitting issues. The fitting issues I think are more my sister’s than my sewing, she has odd shoulders, and it’s hard to sewing long distance without actually fitting the person.

My Retro Jersey Suit is a semi-failed project. While overall it’s not bad, the jacket just doesn’t fit right in the shoulders and kind of feels droopy on me.


Layla’s Vintage Style Peasant dress didn’t fit her, so it counts as a fail. I used French seams to make the dress and did the same for the armholes making it too tight in the arm.

Z’s Art Portfolio bag, while not exactly a fail, I decided to stiffen the portfolio by sewing in foam board. This made it so unwieldy and near impossible to sew up. While I managed to make it functional the inside seams look atrocious.


While my failures were disappointing my successes are probably now my favorite projects of all time.

Starting with my Sew for Victory Dress. I love this dress, the fit is great and the style has that vintage flare and elegance. I want to make a whole bunch more of these dresses.

1940's Simplicity 1649
1940’s Simplicity 1649

My Button Skirt is probably my second favorite project as it was my first vintage skirt project. It came out very sturdy and love the work I put into the details by sewing on 5 buttons to each 8 gored of the skirt as the pattern instructed.

The next big success was my Ice Cream Social Shirt, which is the first time I made myself a button down shirt. After making the Sew for Victory dress I figured I shouldn’t be afraid of a button down anything. The shirt fit like a glove and was so nice I used the pattern again for my Cheerieful Outfit shirt.

I’m also happy with my vintage style purse, because when I look at it I feel like it really looks vintage. I managed to whip it up in a 2-day time frame and it came out so nice. I’m also glad that it actually fits my stuff.

Handmade Vintage Wooden Handel Handbag
Handmade Vintage Wooden Handel Handbag

Lastly my 4 winter skirts I made at the end of year were fantastic, however I’m partial to the Red Plaid Circle skirt. I always wanted to have a traditional circle skirt in my wardrobe, and while it may have been difficult to sew, it is my favorite skirt, thus far.

The Review

After reviewing each of these projects, I’m pretty happy with what I managed to accomplish for 2014. However, as I look to 2015 I have decided to make some sewing resolutions, which I will reveal in a later post, so stay tuned.

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Akram's Ideas: 2014 Sewing Review

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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