Before I get all started on my Sew for victory project, I mentioned the other day, I thought I’d share a few sewing projects I recently finished up.
I had come across some tan jersey fabric at one of my frequented antique stores and new immediately I’d use it to make Simplicity pattern 2154, a reproduction of a 1960’s jersey suit.

The pattern was marked “Knit”, so I assumed it meant that knit fabric was to be used on the entire ensemble. I wish I read instructions better, because it turns out the knit was only to be used on the jacket, not the skirt.
It makes a bit of sense, since I had a bit of a time making the skirt with the jersey material. It wasn’t however, till I got to the dreaded waist band I realized my error.
There was no way I could get the jersey material to work right as a waistband and got horrible upset. At that point I set the project aside to get to latter.
Once again it was my hubby who came to my rescue and suggested I use a contrasting fabric for the waist band.

We looked though my fabric stash and found some floral broadcloth type fabric which had some of the same tan tones as the jersey fabric. There wasn’t much of the fabric, but enough to trim out the outfit.
Once I got the waist band on, I loved the skirt. One of favorite elements is my vintage button I added to the side closure.

As for the jacket I had a hard time. Some how I messed up the shoulder width and the jacket hanged way off of me.

This is odd, because I followed the pattern, no self grading, but I had to take the shoulder seams in another 5/8″ or so.
One the jacket issues wear resolved I used the waist band fabric as trim around the cuffs and front.

The jacket is still a bit stretched feeling, but this is also the first time I ever sewed with knit jersey, so I happy with how my jersey suit came out.

I have just enough of the trim and jersey fabric left I’m thinking about making a matching purse, eventually.
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