Akram's Ideas

On the Sewing Table 2017 Holiday & 2018 Winter Sewing Plans

This past weekend our temperatures finally dipped down to 35 degrees overnight and while it’s expected to jump back up to the high 60’s later this week, it’s finally starting to feel as if winter is on the way.

With winter on the horizon and the holidays only weeks away it’s time I share what’s on my sewing table for the upcoming season.

On the Sewing Table

Since the winter season falls between the end of the year and the start of the new year I thought I’d break up my sewing plans into 2017 holiday plans and 2018 winter sewing plans.

2017 Holiday Sewing Plans

I have lots of self-less sewing planned this month for Christmas and if I’m really lucky I will get everything done the week before (fingers crossed).

Most of my holiday plans include a lot of bag making for friends and my sisters. But I won’t go too much into detail because I don’t want them to know what I’m making.

Aside from typical holiday gifts, I will be making a few holiday outfits for myself.

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"
A quick Christmas make will be this Coco

I have some lovely jersey fabric with a Christmas light print on it. I’m thinking I have enough for a dress. I’m pretty sure that I want to make a Tilly & the Buttons Coco with it, but not sure of the details.

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"
I’m hoping to knock out the Vintage Shirt dress for the Little Red Dress project

I also plan to take part in the Little Red Dress challenge again this year. Luckily during black Friday, I was able to finally get a copy of the Vintage Shirt Dress by Sew Over It.

While the deadline for the challenge is December 24th I wanted to make a dress that I could still wear after the holidays. So, I’ve decided to go with a lovely red cotton fabric with a small print of white hearts and bows. I think the fabric has a vintage look and would be perfect for this pattern. 

2018 Winter Sewing Plans

For the upcoming year, I’d like to really slow down and enjoy the sewing process and have some really well-made items.

With that said I’ve decided to keep my winter plans really simple. 

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"
This fun fabric will be a great pair of Margot pyjamas

First off I got this adorable purple flannel fabric with unicorns on it for my birthday and want to make a pair of pajama bottoms out of. I will most likely use the pattern from Tilly & the Buttons book Love at First Stitch to make these. 

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"
The Mayberry dress will be a perfect everyday dress

Next, I’m hoping to add more everyday casual dresses to my wardrobe and think the Jennifer Lauren Handmade Mayberry dress might just be the exactly what I need. 

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"
I’m planing this vintage suit for my first make of the new year

Lastly, I would like to make Simplicity 8246 which is a reproduction pattern of a 1960’s suit set. As it so happens I came across the perfect blue snowflake embroidered fabric and have just enough for the skirt and jacket. Now all I need to do is find some complementary fabric for the shift top and I have a full outfit. 

What’s on your Sewing Table? 

Like I said my sewing resolution for the new year is to take it slow and really take my time on the few projects I plan for the season. 

That’s not to say that I won’t make more stuff than planned if the opportunity and time come to me. 

I’d love to hear what you have on your sewing table for the winter season. 

Sharing my holiday 2017 and 2018 winter sewing plans in this episode of "On the Sewing Table"

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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