Akram's Ideas
Sharing another completed UFO and why it's taken me over a year to complete this Tilly & the Buttons Coco dress.

Another Tackled UFO – Coco Dress

During my spring sewing plans, I shared that I was trying to tackle some UFO projects. One which I mentioned finishing was this red Tilly and the Buttons Coco dress.

The Little Red That Almost Wasn’t

So, this dress I started as part of the Little Red dress project for 2016. Halfway through I realized that it wasn’t going to fit.

Mainly this was because I refused to measure myself and just cut my regular size. However, at the time I had put on a lot of weight and didn’t really want to admit it.

another issue was my fabric choice. The pattern calls for a stretch fabric, and while this polyester fabric does have stretch not nearly enough.

Sewing Summary
Date March 28 Sharing another completed UFO and why it's taken me over a year to complete this Tilly & the Buttons Coco dress.
Pattern: Tilly & the Buttons Coco
Version: Dress with collar
Size: 6graded to 7
Notes & Modification: Tight along bust, might be fabric might need FBA
Difficulty: Easy Rating:

Picking Up From Where I Left Off

I really wanted to empty out my UFO box this year sonI decided to finish this dress and if it didn’t fit me I might give it to one of my sisters.

Sharing another completed UFO and why it's taken me over a year to complete this Tilly & the Buttons Coco dress.
After finishing it I was surprised to find it fit

All that was left to complete was the sleeves and the hem. It literally took like less than 30 minutes to finish.

Then I tried it on just for grins. Wouldn’t you know, thanks to my recent weight lost it actually fit.

While it does fit it is a little snug in the bust, probably because of the lack of stretch in the fabric.

Sharing another completed UFO and why it's taken me over a year to complete this Tilly & the Buttons Coco dress.
I actually might end up keeping this dress after all

I’m not sure if I will keep this dress, might still give it to one of my sisters. However, I’m really glad I finished this project and checked one more UFO off my list.

Do you have a UFO box? How’s your progress with it going?

Sharing another completed UFO and why it's taken me over a year to complete this Tilly & the Buttons Coco dress.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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