Akram's Ideas
Top 5 of my favorite recipes to make your Holiday brunch a little merrier and yummier.

Top 5 Recipes for Holiday Brunch

For the last few years I have been in charges of hosting Thanksgiving while my sister has hosted our annual Christmas Eve family get-together.

This year my sister decided to host an early event around 10 am and serve brunch instead of dinner.

Holiday Brunch

If you’re an avid reader you know that I love brunch! I thought the idea of doing brunch was actually a really good idea.

Afterall,  Christmas comes only a month after Thanksgiving many people find they maybe turkeyed out. Especially those who end up going to several holiday parties and family dinners. In other cases some may find the task of preparing gifts and a full dinner a bit daunting.

There isn’t as much that goes into brunch and most of it can be sweets. Let’s face it who doesn’t just want to set around and have pie?

Top 5 Recipes

Like many holiday gatherings, the one my sister is hosting will be a potluck. So, I thought I would put together a quick list of some of my favorite brunch recipes that would be perfect for a holiday brunch.

Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon roll from scratch ... so good
Cinnamon roll from scratch … so good

Who doesn’t love a warm richly frosted cinnamon roll on a cold winter morning? A few years ago I decided to make cinnamon rolls from scratch for Christmas morning. The recipe was easy enough and the end result was quite tasty. My only complaint is that this is not a quick bake recipe. It definitely takes some pre planning and patience. Alternatively canned cinnamon roll dough would be quicker and just as tasty for a holiday brunch.

Holiday Pie

Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pie
My Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pie a few years back was tasty

What would a holiday get together be without pie? There are so many types of pie that you could make from the traditional pie and pecan to modern twists. For example my pumpkin pie with cinnamon roll crust was a big hit a few years ago. Then of course my Key Lime pie and Lemon Meringue pie are often requested by my hubby.

Akam's Ideas: Apple Pie
The crust on my apple pie was amazing

While we’re on the subject of pie I just have to give a shout out to The Buttercream Blonde for her perfect pie crust recipe. I used it this year for my pies and it was amazing! Definitely my go to pie crust recipe from now on.

Monkey Bread

Akram's Ideas monkey bread
Monkey Bread is one of my favorite brunch items.

Monkey bread is a super easy dish to make and it not only looks good , but is delicious too.  There are so many variations of monkey bread you can make. My favorite version though, is my apple monkey bread.

Rich Egg Omelet

Akram's Ideas Rich Egg Omelet
Rich Egg Omelet paired with Turkey Bacon

Brunch doesn’t have to be all about the sweets. A warm and tasty egg is also a great for brunch. My favorite way to have eggs is to use my rich egg omelet recipe. These eggs are so silky and delicious. To give my eggs an added holiday flavor I like to mix herb de provence seasoning into the omelet. It’s the same season I use on my turkey and it gives the egg a new dimension of flavor.

Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins

Akram's Ideas: Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins
Oatmeal breakfast muffins for a healthier breakfast

If you want something a little more on the healthy side then may I suggest oatmeal. Personally I can’t stand a bowl of oatmeal, at least not in it’s natural form. However, I am really fond of my oatmeal breakfast muffins I made earlier this year. The recipe is easy to whip and you can change it up with various toppings.

Happy Holiday Dining

I hope I’ve given you a few ideas for a holiday brunch menu. Whatever you decided to make I’m sure it will be delicious. Remember the holidays isn’t about perfection of gifts , decor and food. It’s about being around those you love.
Happy Holidays and happy dining 😉

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Top 5 of my favorite recipes to make your Holiday brunch a little merrier and yummier.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

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