Akram's Ideas

Taco Crescent Ring A New Twist To Taco Night

I don’t know about you but in my household, everyone looks forward to taco night. Can you blame them, everyone loves a good taco. However, every now and again you want to change things up try something new. 

So today I’m sharing a recipe that is a twist to taco night, a taco crescent ring. 

Taco Crescent Ring

Give a twist to taco night by making a taco crescent ring. Taco filling baked into a crisp crescent roll dough, what could be better?
This tasty dish cooks up in about 30 minutes


The Taco Crescent Ring takes your taco filling and incases it in a crisp crescent roll dough. What’s great about this recipe is that it only takes a few ingredients and cooks up in about 30 minutes. 

Taco Crescent Ring
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  1. 1 lb. ground beef
  2. 1 cup salsa
  3. 1 cup feiest cheese blend
  4. 2 cans crescent roll dough
  5. Lettuce and tomatoes to top
  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. Cook ground beef in a skillet over medium heat, add the salsa to the beef as it cooks. Cook until beef until no longer pink.
  3. On a large pizza pan or cookie sheet unroll both cans of dough arrange triangles in a ring. Overlapping the dough, to create a starburst or sun shape.
  4. Spoon beef on the half of each triangle closest to the center of the ring. Then top the beef with the cheese.
  5. Bring each dough triangle up over filling, tucking dough under the bottom layer of dough to lock it in place. Repeat around the ring until entire filling is encased in the dough.
  6. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until dough is golden brown and thoroughly baked. Cool 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
  7. For added garnish fill center hole with lettuce and tomatoes.
Adapted from Akram Taghavi-Burris
Adapted from Akram Taghavi-Burris
Akram's Ideas https://akramsideas.com/

The Ingredients

Most taco recipes have you cook up your ground beef with taco seasoning, while you can do this I prefer mixing it up with a cup of salsa. I like the flavor the salsa gives the meat plus the added bits of peppers and onions to the meat mixture.

Give a twist to taco night by making a taco crescent ring. Taco filling baked into a crisp crescent roll dough, what could be better?
You can top your mixture with a variety of cheeses

For this recipe, I used fiesta cheese blend which is a combination of Monterey Jack, Cheddar, Queso Quesadilla, Asadero cheese. However, you could choose any cheese mixture of your liking for this recipe. 

Lastly, I like to garnish my taco crescent ring with a little lettuce and diced tomatoes in the center of the ring before serving. 

Give a twist to taco night by making a taco crescent ring. Taco filling baked into a crisp crescent roll dough, what could be better?
I like to garnish the center of the ring with lettuce and tomatoes

Make it Your Own

While this dish works great as a twist on tacos, you could easily change it up for any meal. 

Give a twist to taco night by making a taco crescent ring. Taco filling baked into a crisp crescent roll dough, what could be better?
This dish is not only tasty but really pretty too.

For example, you can mix up beef and barbeque sauce for a Sloppy Joe crescent ring or maybe Philly steak meat, peppers and some provolone for Philly Cheese Steak crescent roll. 

The options are limitless and it’s all up to you. I’d love to hear in the comments if you try this or a rendition of this recipe and how it turned out. 

Give a twist to taco night by making a taco crescent ring. Taco filling baked into a crisp crescent roll dough, what could be better?

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas

