Akram's Ideas
Learn how to make this easy no-bake Strawberry Shortcake Pie, it’s a great twist on a classic springtime treat.

Strawberry Shortcake Pie

Finding time to post has been so difficult this past week or so. As you may have heard that I got a new job and it’s actually not far from where I grew up and super close to family.

This means I now have the opportunity to see my niece Layla, more often. In fact the other day I was invited to my sister’s @FateBee for dinner.

I’m Making Pie

Since I was a guest I decided to bring dessert! Why, mainly because I like making desserts, specifically pie.

Akram's Ideas: Lemon Berry Pie
My lemon berry pie is one of my faves.

I wanted something light and fruity. Originally I wanted to make my Lemon Berry Pie,. While it’s one of my favorites, it’s not exactly light, plus it’s made with cream cheese, and well @FateBee doesn’t like any kind of cream cheese dish. Like no cheese cake, that’s just wrong.

Cake to Pie

Oh well, so I decided to come up with something else. I knew I wanted something with strawberries, and a strawberry shortcake sounded really good. However, I didn’t want to make a cake, I wanted pie.

I started thinking about Strawberry shortcake and the basic make up of it. Pound cake, whip topping, strawberries, repeat. So, how could I make this a pie instead of cake.

Sliced strawberries
I love strawberries in spring

I decided to go with a vanilla pudding cream pie as a base. I figured I’d layer the same way as a traditional strawberry shortcake. Replacing cake with the pudding filling.

After a quick Pinterest search I found that Dorothy from Crazy for Crust actually had a Strawberry Shortcake Pie, recipe. This recipe called for a golden Oreo crust, I really wanted to try it with this pie crust , but couldn’t find it in the stores. If I had more time I think I would have made my own golden Oreo crust, and still might next time. However for this pie I ended up going with a traditional  graham cracker crust.

Akram's Ideas : Strawberry Shortcake Pie
My Strawberry ShortcakePpie came out rather nicely

While I liked the Crazy for Crust Strawberry Shortcake Pie recipe, I made some changes. In Dorothy’s recipe the pudding was simply thickened for the pie base. I decided to go for a more pudding pie base, which is made of a blend of a thickened pudding and cool-whip.

Akram's Ideas : Strawberry Shortcake Pie
Even if it wasn’t quite set yet, it was still delicious

Also, since I was making this pie at my sister’s house, to ensure it chilled in time I decided to freeze it for an hour. That time allowed the pie to set and cut more easier.

Strawberry Shortcake Pie
Light and creamy no-bake Strawberry Shortcake pie made with pudding.
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  1. Strawberry Shortcake pie
  2. 1pgk 3.4oz Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding
  3. 1 8oz Sugar Free Cool Whip
  4. 1-½ cups Milk
  5. 1 pound fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced (or diced)
  6. 1 graham cracker crust or golden Oreo crust
  1. Wash , hull and slice the strawberries to your liking, then set aside.
  2. In a large bowl mix pudding and milk. Once pudding is dissolved fold in 1 cup of Cool whip.
  3. Pour half the pudding mixture into the pie crust, then top with half the strawberries. Cover strawberries with rest of pudding mixture, top with remaining strawberries.
  4. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Serve with cool whip topping.
Adapted from Crazy for Crust
Adapted from Crazy for Crust
Akram's Ideas https://akramsideas.com/

How was it?

Yum! It probably needed more chilling before we cut into it, as the pie kind of fell apart. Even though it may not have been the prettiest pie it sure was delicious.

Akram's Ideas : Strawberry Shortcake Pie
As you can see the pie wouldn’t last long

The strawberries and pudding made a great combo. It wasn’t too heavy of a pie either, just perfect for an after dinner treat.

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Learn how to make this easy no-bake Strawberry Shortcake Pie, it’s a great twist on a classic springtime treat.


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  • This looks lip-lickingly delicious. I really enjoy making desserts, too, and will happily volunteer to do so for family events usually, too. I’m thrilled that berry season is upon us again and plan to eat copious amounts straight through the summer. 🙂

    Joyful start of May wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    • Thank you Miss Jessica, yes it was so good and creamy. I also am glad that berries are in season, right now I’m trying to eat healthy by having berries and almonds for lunch everyday. It’s healthy and delicious.

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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