Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas : 2015 Sew-tember Sew Along - Vogue 1083

Sew-tember Sew Along Vogue 1083

This month is National Sewing Month, according the the American Sewing Guild. This yearly event started back in 1982, at the request of the American Home Sewing & Craft Association, an industry and trade association supporting the sewing and craft industries. Under Proclamation #4974, President Ronald Reagan, declared September as National Sewing Month “In recognition of the importance of home sewing to our Nation.”

Each year sewers, crafters and related retailers around the country participate by hosting various events. For example Sew You Hart Out , blog by Hart Fabrics , is hosting a month-long giveaway of sewing items.

This year I’ve decided to host my own event, by hosting my very first Sew Along, squeee. Yes, I’m super excited. I’ve participated in a few sew alongs in the past and have toyed with the idea of hosting my own for some while.

For this year’s 2015 Sew-tember (as I’m calling it) Sew Along we’ll be using Vogue 1083 pattern. This is a reproduction of a Vintage Vogue 1953 ladies coat. What this pattern? I’ve been wanting to make a full length coat for a while and figured if I start now it be ready before the weather turned too cold.

Vogue 1083 Pattern for a 1953 ladies coat
Vogue 1083 Pattern for a 1953 ladies coat

Help spread the word about this sew along by sharing this web badge on your blog or social networks. The more participants the merrier.

Akram's Ideas : 2015 Sew-tember Sew Along - Vogue 1083

The goal for me is to be posting each week tips, tricks and progress on the coat pattern. I’ve also created a Flickr group I hope all participants will join. In the group participants can share photos of their progress, comment on other’s posts and share tips and tricks.

I’m truly excited to be putting this Sew Along together and can’t wait for it to really get started. Also, as it so happens this weekend (Sept 4 – 7) Joann Fabrics has a sale on Vogue patterns for $4.99 each. If you plan on participating in this sew along and would like to snag yourself the pattern there’s no better time.

Get your Vogue 1083 Pattern and join the fun
Get your Vogue 1083 Pattern and join the fun


This sew along will run throughout the month of September (possibly early October, depending on my progress). All participants are encouraged to join the Flickr group where I will be compiling a sew along video of everyone’s makes for this sew along. Join today: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2015-sew-tember-v1083/

Hope that you can join in on the fun, i’m looking forward to it!

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Akram's Ideas : 2015 Sew-tember Sew Along - Vogue 1083

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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