Akram's Ideas

On The Sewing Table – Spring 2018 Sewing Plans

Right now as I look out the window it is cold and dreary. While it may be April the weather has not been particularly spring-like. There were a few days in March that got up to the high 60’s and it felt like finally, I could start my spring sewing, but Then last Saturday it snowed and iced 😯

However the weather forecast next week is supposed to warm up and now that my workload at work has slowed down, I feel pumped and ready to start my spring sewing. So, with that said I thought I’d take some time to share with you what’s on my sewing table. 

Spring Sewing Plans

Technically the month of March marks the first of spring, but I didn’t have the time to work on much of anything. So, with the little free time I did have I took a cue from Lindsey from Inside the Hem and started knocking out my UFO projects. 

I managed to complete a Sassy Librarian blouse and Coco dress that had been lying around for over a year now. I have a few other UFO’s that I hope to wrap up this spring as well. 

Mimi Blouse

Akram's Ideas: Tilly & the Buttons Mimi Blouse
These floral colors are perfect for spring

The first things I want to work on are knocking out some of my #2018MakeNine projects, starting with the Mimi Blouse from Tilly & the Buttons first book Love at First Stitch.

I plan to make it out of a vintage floral fabric I picked up a year or so ago. 

It’s awfully thin so I plan to line it with a lightweight pink cotton. I think this top would be perfect for the Little Lawn Party Challenge.

In my stash, I found some lovely yellow linen that would make a great Delphine skirt (also from the Love at First Stitch book) to pair with this top. 

Akram's Ideas: On the Sewing Table Spring 2018
This yellow linen will pair nicely with the vintage floral

Simplicity 2154 

Since I didn’t do much sewing in March and my time in April is limited that means the majority of my spring sewing will be in May. That doesn’t really give me a lot of time, so I wanted to keep my spring projects on the light side. 

With that said the only other major project I have is Simplicity 2154. 

Akram's Idas: Simplicity 2154
Simplicity 2154 will be a big project

Simplicity 2154 is both in my #2018MakeNine and #VintagePledge2018 plans. I’ve made this pattern 4 years ago or so, and wasn’t impressed. Now that I’ve improved my sewing skills I want to give it another go, this time in lovely spring colors. 

The pattern has 3 pieces, a pretty bow blouse, a knit cardigan and a pencil skirt. I figure that these pieces will take some time to whip up so that pretty much takes up the rest of my spring sewing. 

Pattern Testing 

I was recently asked to do a pattern test, which by the time this post goes up should be done with. It wasn’t originally on my sewing plans, but it was an easy make and really excited to be asked to test the pattern. 

With the pattern test along with my other plans, that is at least half dozen projects in a month and a half. I think that is a good accomplishable amount. 

I’d love to know in the comments below what you have on your sewing table for spring. 

Sharing my 2018 spring sewing plans with another episode of "On the Sewing Table" where I'm sharing projects with pretty pastels and floral prints.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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