Akram's Ideas

Named a DaVinici Fellow

Just recently I was named a a 2011 DaVinci Fellow by the DaVinci Institute. Apparently, I was nominated by the Vice President of Academic Affairs at OCCC, where I currently work. The award indicated that I have received this honor in recognition of my ground-breaking work in computer gaming and computer animation.

The DaVinci Institute is a unique private partnership of leaders in higher education across the state of Oklahoma. Their goal is to nurture the Arts, Sciences, Humanities, and Education in Oklahoma as these fields undergo transformations in the twenty-first century. Through academic and community partnerships, programming, and public awareness, the DaVinci Institute aims to encourage critical thinking and creativity.

I will be officially be awarded on March 25th, it is truly and honor and I feel over joyed and ecstatic not only to have won, but just to have been nominated. I hope to continue to bring creativity and innovation into the classroom for my students. In fact I just recently developed a new course, which will be debuting this fall at OCCC, entitled “Creativity and Design”.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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