Akram's Ideas
A quick updated and revisions on my 2017 Make Nine pledge, the nine sewing patterns I hope to make this year.

Mid-Year Progress on My 2017 Make Nine

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Rochelle from Lucky Lucille started the “Make Nine” pledge at the end of 2015. The pledge is basically a list of nine patterns (or items) you pledge (or hope) to sew the following year. 

The Make Nine pledge has become rather popular within the sewing community and since we are now halfway through 2017 I thought I’d share with you how I’m getting along with my on pledge. 

My 2017 Make Nine

Akram's Ideas Make Nine 2017
My Make Nine for 2017

If you follow me on Instagram, at the end of last year I posted my 2017 Make Nine list which consisted of the following patterns:

Taking a look at the list I felt like I had a good mix of simple and complex projects. Some of the items on the list were also patterns that I had in my stash for a quite a while, like Simplicity 3688 and the Crafty’s Sassy Librarian Blouse. My goal was to hopefully finally get around to making these. 

Progress Report

So, here we are half way through the year and how has my progress been? 

Well, sadly I’ve only made 2-1/2 of my Make Nine. I feel like I really should have made more, but no. 

Despite how few of these I’ve made let’s talk about what I did make. 

Vogue 1397

Revealing my Easter Spring Dress 2017 made using Tracy Reese Vogue 1397 in a lovely monochromatic rose blue fabric.
Love the overall style of this dress

You may recall for my Easter Spring Dress Challenge I made Vogue 1397. While the dress came out exactly like I envisioned it, the fit is all over the place. 

I love the look of the dress and I did a pretty good job putting it together, it just doesn’t sit well. I feel like the bodice is just so droopy. 

Agnes Top 

While the Vouge pattern may not have come out I am in love with the Agness top. My first version turned out a little stretched, but after seeking some great advice from the Dressmaking Blogging Network Facebook group, I was able to fix my problems and had amazing success. 

Akram's Ideas: Agnes Top
One of many Agnes tops I’ve recently made

So far I’ve made a total of 4 Agnes tops and there is a good chance that I will make even more. This top is not only super cute but also super easy to make. 

Sassy Librarian Blouse 

The Sassy Librarian Blouse is something I’ve wanted to make for a long while. I purchased the Craftsy class way back in 2015 and just never got around to making it. I originally planned to make it in March and while I had it cut out and ready to go, It got put on the backburner while I tried to work through the fitting issues with Vogue 1397. 

Akram's Ideas: Sassy Librarian Blouse
I need to wrap up this project

Sadly to say this make is still a work in progress, making it my half make of the bunch.  I really need to hunker down and get this project wrapped up. Hopefully, I’ll have some time for that during the 4th of July weekend.  

Changing Things Up 

While the Make Nine Pledge is a great idea, a lot of things happen between the first and end of the year. So while at the time I really wanted to make these patterns on my list, new patterns come out and my desires change. With that said there is a good chance that I might make a few changes to my Make Nine.

Coco Wawa Crafts Lily Top

I’m a sucker for sailor style garments and when I saw the Coco Wawa Crafts Lily Top I was like I must have this pattern!

Akram's Ideas: Lily Blouse
This mint green and pink rose fabric would make a good Lily blouse

This pattern actually features a top or dress version, however, it’s the top that really caught my eye. 

After going over my Make Nine list, I felt that while I like New Look 6150, it really is just another knit top and right now I live in the Agnes top. So, I’m really considering swapping out this top for the Lily top. 

Butterick 5030 Wrap Dress 

I recently got Butterick 5030 and while I do like New Look 6301, I like the collar and sleeve options on the Butterick pattern just a little more.

Akram's Ideas: Butterick 5030
Really like the variations on this pattern

That’s not to say that I won’t still make the New Look wrap dress, it’s just not a priority at the moment. 

Your Make Nine

Okay so, I’m not as far as I’d like to be with my Make Nine and I even think I might change out some of the pattern choices. 

Despite that, I’ve still managed to sew up more than 9 garments for myself this year. Granted I may have made the same pattern a few times, like the Agness top and Moneta dress. 

If you are taking part in the Make Nine pledge I’d love to hear in the comments below about your progress. 


A quick updated and revisions on my 2017 Make Nine pledge, the nine sewing patterns I hope to make this year.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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