Akram's Ideas

Learn to Sew : Neckline Facing

Since I’ve been participating in several sew-alongs this past month I’ve been doing a lot of sewing here lately. So, I thought in the midst of all this sewing I would share another Akram’s Ideas Learn to Sew video with you guys.

Sewing a Neckline Facing

In this particular video I share some basics for sewing a neckline and armhole facing to a garment.

Facing , not to be confused with interfacing, is a method of finishing the raw edges of a curve in a garment. The coves usually include the neckline and any armholes.

Traditional Facing

A traditional facing is made of a slim strip of fabric cut in the curve shape of the neckline or armhole. Most vintage patterns will have a pattern piece included for your facing.

While the inclusion of a traditional facing is common it is not always the best method. Adding a facing to a garment made of thicker fabrics could make the neckline/armhole a little bulky. Also if you are like me and use a limited amount of fabric for each project you don’t always have enough for a facing.

Learn how to insert a traditional neckline facing around the neckline of a garment.


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    • I’m glad you liked it Kira. I’m not a fan of facings myself and prefer a bias tape facing. Which I actually will be covering my next Learn to Sew video next month, so be sure to check it out πŸ˜‰

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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