I, like many other vintage bloggers enjoy old magazines. In fact I have a growing collection of mostly 50’s and 60’s magazines.
Many of these magazines consist of Ladies Home Journal, Home Companion and McCall’s.
What I love first and foremost about these magazines is their size. Odd as it may sound I love how awkwardly large they are. When reading them you really lose yourself behind the pages.
Then of course there is the photography, artwork and advertising that all transport you into the past.

In most cases the articles are no different than what you might ready today, but the take on it maybe a little different.
Ladies Home Journal had an article, which highlighted a different profession each month. While insightful, and something you don’t often see now days in a ladies magazine, the article itself wasn’t exactly directly written for the lady reader.

Instead this particular article was meant for the lady read to educate their “son” on possible careers that are out there. Note, I said “son” not children. The articles were very descriptive of directing “your son” towards a future career.
Another thing I noticed about these magazines were the amount of short stories in them. All of them had at least two short stories, or continuing stories.

Fiction stories are not typical in modern ladies magazines, at least not the ones I read. I think that these stories, while most of them were romance in genre were a nice addition to the daily reading.
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