Today is Columbus Day, and it just so happens it’s also my birthday. This is kind of unusual since when I was born, Oct 13 was always Columbus Day and therefore I was born on Columbus Day, even if it was a Thursday. Somewhere over the years the second Monday of October became Columbus Day, and so it’s been a long while since my birthday actually fell on Columbus Day.
If you’ve been on the blog lately you’ve probably noticed I haven’t really posted in the last month or so. Well, it so happens I’ve been extremely busy, this last month and few weeks.
At work I’ve been working on not one but two different conferences that our department will be hosting. I built and am currently managing the Graphic Communication Educators Association Region 4 Conference website. This event is in November, so the most of my work is near the ending phase.
I am also once again working on the Graphics, Gadgets and Games (G3) Expo. I’m the main coordinator for this event so I’ve been doing everything from managing the website to coordinating with committee chairs and preparing promotional materials for this event. While the event isn’t until March, experience has shown that you have to plan at least 6 month out to really get the word out there and to ensure the schedule of events.

As if work wasn’t all that was keeping my time, the house projects are still mostly undone. Our wall project was put on hold because we discovered a leak in the roof that must be fixed first. Then there’s the cabinetry project. My dinning room cabinets came in but not my kitchen cabinets. I was for some reason expecting the kitchen cabinets first and therefore emptied my kitchen into the dinning room. Because everything from the kitchen is in the dinning room we don’t have the room to install the dinning room cabinets.

Luckily fall break is just around the corner and while it’s only a total of 4 days I’m hoping it’s enough to at least get somethings moved around and the dinning room partially installed.
Then of course I also agreed to make a very cute peasant dress for my niece for Thanksgiving and really need to knock that out quick, or otherwise it won’t be ready in time. Shouldn’t take me long just need a good solid few hours to work on it.
With all these to-do items it’s easy to see why I haven’t been posting in a while. I’ve also really took a deep look into why I blog and what I blog about. I really want to write things that are worthwhile and I feel like I just am not doing that. I want people to come to my blog and learn something fun and creative. I would also like my blog to have a more professional look and feel. In the end I want my blog to be more of a magazine, with lots of useful articles, written of course from my wacky point of view. With that said I’ve been toying with some ideas and hope to put the all Akram’s Ideas live hopefully before the end of the year, but we’ll see.
Wish me luck!
Super happy belated birthday wishes, dear Akram. I’m very sorry that I missed this post last month. I came down with the flu on your birthday (I kid you not) and fell rather behind on following blogs for a couple of weeks of October as a result. I hope that you had fun filled, fantastic celebration and this year will be one of your best and more enjoyable ever.
Tons of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Sorry to hear you were sick, on my birthday of all days. I’m glad your feeling better 🙂
I don’t really celebrate my birthday much, since it’s usually in the middle of mid-term week, very busy time for faculty.
However, my hubby did surprise me with a cupcake, so it was a pretty good day.