Akram's Ideas
Review and recap of the Cherry Dollface Hair & Makeup Tulsa Workshop this past weekend. I learned a lot of tips and techniques that were totally worth it.

Cherry Dollface Hair & Makeup Tulsa Workshop

Despite having grown up with parents who were both cosmetologist, I’ve never been really into or good at hair and makeup. This maybe because I always had them do it for me when I was growing up.

However, the last few years as I stated to embrace a vintage style, I’ve found myself trying to learn new techniques for recreating vintage style hair and makeup. My favorite way to learn these techniques to to tune in to several of my fave vintage YouTube fashionistas.  

Cherry Dollface

One of the first channels I started following back in 2012 was Cherry Dollface. This California girl uses basic everyday tools and techniques to show the average girl how to feel beautiful! Her many tutorial focus on vintage hair and makeup, as well as vintage style, pinup poses and more.

Cherry Dollface Youtube
The Cherry Dollface YouTube

I loved how simple and applicable her tips were and her down to earth personality. In fact in some ways she kind of reminded me of one of my little sisters.

Hair & Makeup Workshop

Earlier this year Cherry Dollface announced that she would be going on tour. This tour would consist of hair & makeup workshops she would be conducting. This would be the best opportunity to get questions about how to create your own vintage hair & makeup style answered by the one and only Cherry Dollface.

I thought if only I could attend such a workshop, it would really give me a little more to step up my own vintage hair & makeup. What I didn’t expect was that Cherry Dollface tour would actually stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma. No Way!

The Workshop

Wow! First off let’s just say that Cherry Dollface is super nice and real. Gee, I must sound like such a fangirl, but it’s true.

Akram's Ideas: Akram Taghavi-Burris & Cherry Dollface
Gee I’m such a fangirl, had to get my picture taken.

The workshop only had about a dozen attendees, I think the intimacy of the event made it really casual, like a bunch of friends hanging out. Cherry Dollface , even made a comment about it feeling like a slumber party.

What I learned

I can’t even start to tell you all the things I learned at this workshop. I took 5 or 6 pages of notes during the workshop and hopefully plan to put some of these tips into practice.

Akram's Ideas: Cherry Dollface does Makeup
Cherry started the workshop by applying makeup to her model.

One of the biggest takeaways was that when it comes to symmetry regarding your face remember the “sides are sisters not twins”.

Other tips included that the most expensive products are not necessary. What is most important is technique.

Akram's Ideas: Cherry Dollface Answers Questions
Cherry Dollface took time to answer all sorts of questions from the audience.

Another great tip that Cherry Dollface emphasized was not to waste product. She gave all sorts of ways to avoid losing your product, for example don’t apply foundation with your hands, as your hands will soak up a lot of foundation.

Akram's Ideas: Cherry does hair
Cherry Dollface did two different vintage hair styles

When it came to vintage hair the key is teasing. Almost all vintage styles require a lot of tease, there just isn’t any way around it. Products like Big Sexy Hair Backcomb In A Bottle can help add volume to your hair, especially for those of us with flat fine hair.

The Tulsa Pinup Scene

The workshop was actually being hosted by Pinup By Liz, a local photo studio run by Liz Huckleby, internationally published pinup, boudoir, and glamour photographer based in Tulsa, OK.

By attending this event I also got to meet a couple of the lovely ladies who are apart of the Tulsa Pinup scene. This includes Liz Huckleby who hosted the event.

Akram's Ideas: Cherry and her models
Cherry Dollface poses with the nights models

I also learned about the Tulsa Area Pinup Girls Facebook Group. While I wouldn’t call myself a pinup by any means it’s nice to meet people who share my love of vintage style.

Was it Worth it?

If you’ve watched any of the style YouTubers, you might be thinking what more can they say in person that they don’t in their videos.

Well in the case of Cherry Dollface, a whole lot. The opportunity to just ask questions and get a detailed explanation about all sorts of things was priceless.

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Review and recap of the Cherry Dollface Hair & Makeup Tulsa Workshop this past weekend. I learned a lot of tips and techniques that were totally worth it.

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  • That is off-the-charts cool! I’ve been following her channel for many years now, too, and would have jumped for the chance to see her in person (I heard she was stopping in Canada, but not near my wee town – darn!). It’s so great that you got to interact with this talented lady in person and learn firsthand from a true vintage/pinup beauty guru.

    ♥ Jessica

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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