One of the things I loved about our corner house when we purchased it were the two large trees that dawned the street side of the house. This row of trees gave a more private feel to the house and from my upstairs office, made me feel like I was in a tree house when I looked out the window.

Unfortunately last spring in a wind storm the two large trees closets to the house came crashing down suddenly. Ironically the one tree whose limbs had been fallen, and continue to fall throughout the year remained standing. It was also lucky that although they fell so close to the house they did not break the bay window in the living room, though they where very close to it.

I was really sad to see the trees come down, I felt some of the charm of the house had gone away. That’s why this spring my and my Darling Hubby decided we would plant new trees in their place. So we sat out to Home depot to see what was available. I was ecstatic to find that they had Yoshino Cherry Trees for only $29 a tree.
If your unfamiliar with Yoshino Cherry Trees they are a crossbreed of two wild species of Japanese Cherry blossoms, or Sakura as they are called. In the Japanese culture Cherry blossoms are associated with mortality as blooms they extremely beautiful and yet have a short life span. Due to it’s symbolism, the trees are often portrayed in Japanese art, manga, anime and film. The Sakura festival is another element about these trees that are often portrayed in anime. The Sakura festival comes from “Hanami” a century old practice of picnicking under the blooms of a sakura tree. In anime the Sakura festival usually takes place near the end of the life cycle for the blooms, when they are about to fall to the ground and crowds of people come to picnic, drink sake and watch the blooms rain on to the ground. It always seemed so pretty and I just loved the simplistic look and colors of the trees, so when I found that these trees were available and could be grown in my gardening zone, I didn’t hesitate to snatch up the three that were available.
We decided to space the trees out along the side of the house where the old trees had once stood. and placed them in a nice little row.

I can’t wait for these trees to grow big and beautiful. Even now they have lovely blooms on them.

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