Akram's Ideas
Me at the Faculty and Staff Association booth

Back on Campus

We’ll it’s that time again school is officially in session. The first day of classes were Monday here at Pittsburg State University (PSU), but faculty actually had to be back on campus last week. We had a full 2 days of meetings and workshops. During the opening meeting with President Scott I helped out at the Faculty and Staff Association booth, singing up new members. As you can see in the picture above, I wore my new red skirt I sewed from a vintage pattern and wore one of my very vintage hats. Somehow I don’t quite fit in with my new vintage look, but at the same time I just love it that I don’t. I look like something out of the 40’s or 50’s.

Anyways, back to the topic of school. It doesn’t matter how much I prepare it seems I’m always missing something or forgot to do something before class starts. I tried to get things ready early but with so much family stuff happening it was hard to really get it all done and ready. Oh, well that’s why we have 16 weeks in the semester, so we can spend of the next 15 catching up with ourselves. 

Overall I feel like I’m really in the swing of things, after all this is the start of my third year teaching at PSU and I have my course curriculum pretty much down. In other news my baby sister  @TheChicGirl is now attending PSU as an English major. I’m real proud of her and hope she follows through and does a good job. I know she will!

We’ll I guess that’s it. With the first day behind me it should all be down hill from here. For now though I’m off to class.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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