Can you believe that it’s already December? With winter and holidays now upon us, I thought I’d take a moment to share my sewing ‘n’ tell of my autumn makes.
Autumn Sew ‘N’ Tell
As usual, my autumn plans didn’t go as planned. Early in October, I had a work conference to attend so that put a wrinkle on my sewing time.
Then of course, work, in general, takes up a lot of free time especially now that I’m advising our student organization and they meet in the evenings.
Despite having very little time to sew I’ve managed to get quite a bit done, and am pretty happy with the results.
The Pomegranate Top
One of the first patterns I whipped up this season was the Pomoergrant top by Octiva Patterns.

I was lucky enough to be a pattern tester for this pattern near the end of summer.
This pattern is so easy a lovely that I ended up making 3 more at the start of the autumn season.
Autumnal Gable Top
The next top I knew for sure I wanted to make was yet another Gable top, from Jennifer Lauren Handmade.
I made my first Gable top near the end of summer last year and quickly followed up with a second one in a lovely autumn print.

Since then I’ve been yearning to make another and I finally got around to it.
I’m not sure but this one may be my favorite one of yet, I just love the autumn floral print.
Vintage Jumper Dress
Simplicity 5890, a vintage pattern for a jumper dress and blouse was not something I was really expecting to make, but I ended up just going for it one weekend.
The pattern came from my most recent vintage pattern haul and as it turned out I had the loveliest turquoise blue fabric that matched the cover illustration.
As with many vintage patterns, I did have to do some resizing to get the dress to fit.

After making it, I wasn’t sure how I felt about the overall dress and fit, so I didn’t bother to make the blouse.
Since then though I’ve found that the dress isn’t too bad and should probably get around to making the blouse.
A Set of Gathered Skirts
In my plans video, I mentioned wanting to make a series of gathered skirts using some novelty prints I had in my stash.
I’m really happy with how these turned out. I ended up making 3 total have worn them all season.

I was even able to actually make a full two-piece dress out of the Columbus fabric. After making the skirt I had just enough fabric left over to use as the front piece of Butterick 3286. I then used some scrap fabric with the same color tones as the back piece.
Cozy Cardi Challenge
In October I participated the Cozy Cardi challenge by making In the Folds slouchy cardigan.

I planned this project pretty early on but ended up getting sick and didn’t finish until the day of the deadline.
Despite waiting until the last minute ( I seem to do that a lot), I really love how this cardigan came out.
Chestnut Sweater
Speaking of cozy makes the minute the Chestnut sweater from Coco Wawa Crafts I knew I had to make one.
I ended up making two, the first was a wearable toile made of lovely purple and pink sweatshirt fabric.

Then I made my final version from a lovely champagne colored polyester with pearl dots.
I love this top so much I plan to make more, plus I just got the mini version so I can make one for my niece as well.
Simplicity 8019
Button down skirts seem to be all the trend right now and I fell in love with Simplicity’s 8019 reproduction of a 1970’s button-down skirt.

While the 70’s aren’t usually a year I gravitate towards, this skirt is differently a timeless classic.
In the end, I made 7 versions of this skirt as I used this pattern for the One Week One Pattern (#OWOP17) Challenge.
A Classic Circle Skirt
The very last item I sewed up this autumn was Simplicity 8446 a 1950’s reproduction of a circle skirt.
I had quite a bit of fabric left over from my champagne and pearl Chestnut Sweater and thought wouldn’t a matching skirt look lovely?

This skirt, when paired with the Chestnut Sweater, takes it from a casual top to a classic and stylish holiday outfit. Which of course I wore to Thanksgiving.
The Round-Up
There were a few items on my plans list that I never did quite get around to, however, I’m really happy with what I’ve made.
This season has been all about daily wear items and I can say I really succeed at that.
Everything I made between September and November has been worn to death.
I just reach for my Simplicity 8019 skirts daily and they are great to pair with the Pomegranate top or any one of the Gable tops in my closet.
I love the Chestnut sweater and immediately turn to it when I’m looking for something cozy to wear.
Then, of course, the slouchy cardi I toss on nearly every day when the temperatures in my office drop near late afternoon.
All in all, it’s been a very productive season and I can’t wait to get started with my winter sewing plans.
I’d love to hear in the comments below what you’ve made this autumn season.
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