Akram's Ideas

Anniversary Birthday Haul for 2017

It’s hard to believe it but a few weeks ago on October 7th was my eleventh anniversary, followed by my birthday on October 13th. 

Between both these events, I received a few sewing related goodies and thought I would share with everyone. 

Simplicity Goodies

As it so happens Hobby Lobby was having a pattern sale the week of my anniversary and I was able to pick up several of the latest Simplicity 90th-anniversary vintage pattern re-releases. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.
Love the vintage patterns I picked up

I’m really excited about these patterns especially Simplicity 8246 which is a full wardrobe set.  I’m thinking this will be featured in my upcoming winter plans video near the end of the November.

Aside from the patterns I also love the Simplicity project planner I was able to finally get my hands on. Since it’s nearly the end of the year I don’t plan on using it until the start of next year, but I’m super excited to start planning my 2018 makes. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.
Can’t wait to start using my Simplicity planner and tote bag

The Simplicity anniversary tote bag was an unexpected find but I’m glad I came across it. I’m going to use it as a project bag, which is always helpful. 

Fabric Finds 

I don’t really need more fabric, but I couldn’t resist for my birthday. I also tried my hardest to keep my fabric purchase under control this time only buying select items for specific projects. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.
Really happy with my fabric finds

The champaign colored polyester with the Perl colored spots was a great find. I was on the lookout for the perfect fabric to make my chestnut sweater from Coco Wawa Crafts, and think this will be perfect. 

Champagne and Pearl Spot Fabric
This will make a fabulous Chestnut Sweater

I’m also excited about the woven blue snowflake fabric that will be in my winter plans as well. It’s going to make an awesome Simplicity 8246 jacket. 

Brother Serger 

The biggest gift I received and probably the one I’m most excited about is my Brothers 1034D serger. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.
Can’t wait to start playing with my serger

I’ve been sewing with knits for a while now and needed to really up my game with a serger, but I was a little nervous about the idea of learning a new machine. 

My hubby, on the other hand, encouraged me to take the plunge and just get a serger. 

Since it took a while for the serger to get here and with my busy schedule I haven’t had the opportunity to really play with it yet. However, I’m hoping to get a proper unboxing video out next week so stay tuned for that. 

None Sewing Gifts

Aside from sewing gifts, my family took me bowling. Plus I got several nice gifts including a new purse from my parents. I also received a stuffed Plusheen from my sister Miss Z. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.
Plusheen is so cute

You’ve probably seen Plusheen around the internet and well I love that I now have one of my very own. Not only is he adorable but super soft too.

I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of Plusheen around the sewing room, so keep an eye out for that 😉

I hoped you enjoyed this little haul and if you have any suggestions for what to make with my fabric let me know in the comments. 

Here's a quick look at some of the sewing related items I received for both my anniversary and birthday this year.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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