There’s something almost magical about August as we near the end of summer. The warm summer nights as you watch the sunset you can almost see the twinkling of pixies in the dusk light.
To help you see the Magic, this month I thought I would share this magic inspired set of FREE desktop wallpapers.
4 Desktop Wallpapers
As usually, these wallpapers feature 100% my artwork and/or photography. The quotes themselves either come from individuals whose words have inspired me, something that I’ve heard or something I’ve come up with myself.
Magic is Seeing
When it comes to talking about magic, it’s all about seeing what others do not. Take the time to look around and notice the little things, those little things are often the most magical of them all.

Pixie Dust
It was Peter Pan who said, “All you need is Faith and Trust and a little Pixie Dust”. In a world of uncertainties it’s important to have a little faith and trust, and when you can’t find pixie dust, use glitter. Glitterer makes everything better.

Everyday Magic
Sometimes it’s easy to get into a mundane routine. If you want something magical to happen you can’t just wait for it, you need to go out there and seek it.

Magic is All Around
The whole theme of this month wallpaper set is that magic is all around us. Taking the time to seek it, see it and believe in it is really what it’s all about.

Download The Set
I hope you like this set of desktop wallpapers and that they will inspire and motivate you to go seek adventure. You can get the whole set here, all you need to do is fill out the form below and the set will be emailed to you.
Download Akram's Ideas Free - 4 Desktop Wallpapers
Simply fill out the form below, verify your email address and you'll be sent a link to this totally awesome download.
Be sure to check back next month for another great set of custom desktop wallpapers to inspire you daily.
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