Akram's Ideas
This month is about obtaining your dreams, and inspiring you to take action! Download this FREE set of 4 desktop wallpapers, from Akram's Ideas.

4 Desktop Wallpapers to Inspire Action

It’s officially summer with the coming of June and with the warmer weather, it’s a great time to get out and do something. 

With that said I thought that  I would inspire you to take ACTION, with this month’s set of FREE desktop wallpapers. 

4 Desktop Wallpapers

As usually, these wallpapers feature 100% my artwork and/or photography. The quotes themselves either come from individuals whose words have inspired me, something that I’ve heard or something I’ve come up with myself.

They Took Action

We often spend too much time dwelling on the success of others. In some cases it’s even obvious that certain people aren’t qualified for their success, but why are they there? 

Took Action -quote
Don’t just talk about your dreams, Go after them!

The main difference between you and them is that they “took action”.  This quote by entrepreneur, author, and business coach, Brad Sugars really emphasize how we need to get up and take action in order to obtain our dreams. 

Begin Doing

Begin Doing - quote
Quit talking and Begin Doing

There are a lot of great quotes by Walt Disney, this one in particular really focuses on “doing”. Walt is known for bringing to life ideas that didn’t exist before from the first animated feature to animatronic rides. I’m sure a lot of his employees were overwhelmed on where to begin such an undertaking and spent a lot of time in discussions about a project. 

While planning is good and all, if you never start the project it will never happen. That’s why this Disney quote is a big motivator to “quit talking” and actually get started.  

John 3:18

Many Bible verses help us through difficult times and motivate us to do the right thing. When we talk about action first John 3:18 is a great quote. 

John 3:18- verse
We must follow through with “actions and truth”

This verse is about how we love. Whether it’s how we love each other, love ourselves or love our life, it doesn’t matter, the message is the same. We can use all the words and beautiful sonnets, but it doesn’t mean a thing if we do not follow through with “actions and truth”. 

What We Do

What We Do - quote
It is “what we do” that defines us.

The novel Sense and Sensibility has stood the test of time. Although author Jane Austen published this tale in 1811 it is still one of the most classic romance novels around. Perhaps it is because of the many great quotes that come from the story. One, in particular, emphasizes how are “what we do” our actions, are more important than what “we say or think”.

Download The Set

I hope you like this set of desktop wallpapers and that they will grow your inspiration and motivation. You can get the whole set here, all you need to do is fill out the form below and the set will be emailed to you.

Download Akram's Ideas Free - 4 Desktop Wallpapers

Simply fill out the form below, verify your email address and you'll be sent a link to this totally awesome download.

Be sure to check back next month for another great set of custom desktop wallpapers to inspire you daily.

This month is about obtaining your dreams, and inspiring you to take action! Download this FREE set of 4 desktop wallpapers, from Akram's Ideas.


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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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