Akram's Ideas

SMYLY Samantha Dress Review & Me Made May

Today is the first day of #MeMadeMay, and I thought what a better day to share with you the review of my most recent favorite make the SMYLY Samantha Dress. 

Earlier this year I participated in the SMYLY challenge which stands for “sewing makes you love yourself” hosted by Athina Kakou and Hattie VanDerKrohn. (You can see my make for that challenge here.) The challenge was all about encouraging body positivity and mental health through sewing things that make you feel beautiful. 

With the overwhelming success of the challenge, Athina and Hattie decided to continue the message by starting the SMYLY magazine that of course includes a pattern! 

SMYLY Magazine

The SMYLY Magazine is an online magazine that features a wide range of articles. The debut issue features Anna from Coco Wawa Crafts. (You all know how much I love Coco Wawa Crafts.)

SMYLY Magazine Issue 01
Issue one of SMYLY Magazine

One of my favorite things about the magazine aside from the great articles is the layout and graphic design. A lot of indie style magazines have a very indie sort of student work look to them. This magazine does not. It has a very professional layout and looks like a proper magazine. I know… I know here I am geeking out about font styles, justification and image alignment, you can blame my graphic design background.

The magazine goes for about $15 dollars the US which is about average as far as magazines go, but with the added bonus of a sewing pattern. 

Samantha Dress

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
Looking for the prefect jersey wrap dress, the SMYLY Samantha dress may be it

Already so let’s talk about the Samantha dress the first pattern to be released with SMYLY Magazine. 

I was lucky enough to be asked if I would pattern test the Samantha dress and I just couldn’t say no. 

The Samantha Dress is a wrap top dress with kimono sleeves, a collar option, sleeve variations and two skirt lengths. 


There was a very short turn around on the pattern test, but it wasn’t a problem because this dress sews up so fast. 

For the test version, I used an amazing aqua blue jersey that has been in my stash for quite a while. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
This color is perfect for spring

The dress came together pretty much as per instructions. I did have an issue with the skirt being way too big, but I think somehow I must of cut it off grain. 

Sewing Summary
Date April 8 Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
Pattern: SMYLY Samantha Dress
Version: No collar, sleeve ties, long skirt
Size: 16
Notes & Modification: I LOVE IT
Difficulty: Easy – Great for jersey beginners Rating:  

The pattern calls for a medium weight jersey and while at first, I thought that was what I had chosen I think the aqua is actually more of a heavyweight fabric. It still works but I think it hangs a little heavier than how the dress is meant to. 

Second Samantha Dress

Once I made the first Samantha dress I knew I had to make a second one! As it turned out I had the perfect spring floral jersey in my stash. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
Pink, blue and lavender flowers on a yellow background scream spring.

This fabric while had the perfect print, I knew was very lightweight, and as I said before the pattern recommended a medium weight fabric. Despite the suggestion, I decided to go for it. 

I’m so glad how the final dress came out. It is rather thin so it needs a slip but it is amazing. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
This is the ultimate spring dress

Just like the first dress, the second one came together super fast. After cutting out all the pieces it probably took an hour to sew up. 

Like the first one, I sewed the whole project on my serger, except for the topstitching. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
This is my newest favorite dress

The second dress I had no problem with the skirt, which leads me to believe I cut the first one off slightly. 

Sleeve Ties 

I really liked the look of the sleeve ties on the patter, I think it made a nice detail to the dress. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
Sleeve ties on the SMYLY Samantha Dress

The pattern has you make the sleeve ties from a rectangle pattern piece. While I like the look I thought it needed to look a little softer. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
I tapered the ends of the sleeve ties on the second SMYLY Samantha Dress

For my second version, I simply tapered the ends of the sleeve ties and I really like how they look. I also think the sleeve ties on the lighter weight fabric set a little nicer. 

Me Made May

As I said earlier I’m wearing my newly made SMYLY Samantha dress today, the first day of Me Made May.

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.
Wearing this lovely dress the first day of Me Made May

Me Made May 2016 (#mmmay18) this fun social media challenge encourages sewers to wear their me made makes all through the month of May. This challenge is organized by Zoe Edwards of SoZoBlog

This year my goal is to wear something me-made every month. I have quite a few handmade garments in my wardrobe and I want to try and wear as many as I can this month. The goal for me is to really give love to some of my past makes and to see what gaps I have in my wardrobe to help with future sewing plans. 

I’d love to hear in the comments below if you have made the SMYLY dress and what your thoughts are. I’d also love to know if you are joining Me Made May and what your goal with the challenge is. 

Kicking off the first day of Me Made May (#mmmay18) with a review of one of my newest favorite makes, the SMYLY Samantha Dress.


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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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