Akram's Ideas
Missing wardrobe essentials? Join the #wardrobebuilder project and focus your sewing efforts.

Why should you join the #wardrobebuilder project?

Creative individuals are sometimes known to get too caught up in the moment that they forget what their end goal is. Not that this is a bad thing, it is just, that it can sometimes be frustrating.

For example, if you sew, you may have encountered the instance where you are lusting after beautiful vintage sundresses and before you know it in all your excitement you made not one but 5 beautiful dresses. This is great, but did those 5 dresses help fill your wardrobe holes? Usually, the answer is no.

#wardrobebuilder Project

The #wardrobebuilder project is a great project/challenge put together by Laura of The Petite Passions.

The #wardrobebuilder project by The Petite Passions.

The idea behind the #wardrobebuilder project is to provide you with a little more balance and focus when it comes to your sewing projects. Each month participants are encouraged to make one garment from the list in efforts to help build a collection of wardrobe essentials.

Why Should You Join In?

Following along with the #wardrobebuilder project is a great way to fill all those missing gaps in your wardrobe. While there are no specific patterns for this challenge it really gives each participant a feeling of ownership and a chance to make whatever style of clothes they choose.

Another great reason to join the #wardrobebuilder project is the community. Let’s face it sewing is always more fun when it is social. Plus who doesn’t love showing off their latest makes?

Challenges like this is a great way to meet new sewers, find inspiration and to learn from others.

Even though this is a year-long project that started in January, it’s not too late to jump in whenever you feel like it.

Whether you are joining in or just an admiring spectator be sure to the follow the fun on social media with the hashtag #wardrobebuilder.

Also look for monthly link up posts on The Petite Passions website and don’t forget to check out the official Pinterest board for this project.

I just wanted to give one more shout out to Laura of The Petite Passions and thanks for putting this project together.

Are you participating in the #wardrobebuilder project? What is next on in your sewing queue?


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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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