Last year as you may recall my hubby gave me a challenge to actually wear the clothes in my closet. This challenge became the #365outfits challenge, which I’m happy to report that I completed and will be posting a recap on very soon.
During my #365outfits challenge I actually learned a lot about the clothes I enjoy wearing, and while I had a lot of clothes not all of them I felt was me. With that said, I was contemplating what my next step in creating my ideal wardrobe, which is what sparked the #365outfits challenge in the first place.
As it turns out I recently found the Wardrobe Architect Challenge 2015 #WAChallenge2015 on Coletterie blog.

The #WAChallenge2015 is basically a year-long program that closely follows the outline of the Wardrobe Architect (a program first featured on Coletterie in 2014) and focuses on sewing your own full wardrobe for spring/summer and fall/winter.
While, I’m only just finding out about this challenge (almost 4 weeks late, I know), I have decided to participate in it. I think this challenge makes the prefect next step from my own #365outfits challenge.
With that said I’m going to play catch up and try to knock out the first 4-weeks of tasks in the next few days, so that I’ll be on track (crossing figures) when week five’s task is announced next week.
If your looking to build your ideal Wardrobe join me and others as we work through the #WAChallenge2015.

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