Akram's Ideas
Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.

Vintage Simplicity 3580 – Another Completed UFO

In my Spring sewing plans, I mentioned that I was trying to knock out some UFO projects that I had laying around for the past two years or so. I can’t believe I let some of these projects go that long *sigh*. 

Anyways, since my sewing time was somewhat limited at the beginning of spring I managed to get quite a few UFO projects done, including Vintage Simplicity 3580. 

Simplicity 3580

Simplicity 3580 is a lovely 1960’s shirtwaist dress that features gathered sleeves with buttoned cuffs and a lovely soft pleated skirt. 

Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.
Simplicity 3580 has been in my UFO pile for over two years

I started this project back in 2016 before our move to our new house and needless to say it got tossed into the UFO pile. 

Aside from packing for the move another reason this dress got put on hold was that at the time I started gaining weight and when I first tired on the bodice it didn’t fit. So, frustrated I set it aside. 

Sewing Summary
Date May 27 Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.
Pattern: Simplicity 3580 
Version: Long Sleeves
Size: Size 18 
Notes & Modification: Used a 3/8 inch seam allowance at the waist
Recommendations: Make more of this dress… I love it
Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate  Rating:

When coming back to this dress this summer I found the bodice fit perfectly… whoo! So, I decided to finish the project. 

This was actually a really quick make as I had already completed the bodice, it just needed buttons and the skirt attached. 

The skirt pieces were already cut out and still pinned to the pattern tissue. I managed to whip up the skirt and sew the whole thing together in one afternoon. 

Vintage Simplicity 3580

A Summer Autumn Dress 

When I first started this dress way back when I choose a lovely vintage orange gingham fabric from my stash as it was close to autumn at the time. I thought the orange would be great for fall and since the weather would be getting cooler I decided to go with the long sleeves. 

Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.
I just love shirtdresses, especially vintage ones

While I was completing this project I wondered if the dress would get any wear at the moment because it was almost summer and the temperatures were already moving into the 90’s. 

After finishing the dress and trying it on I found the fabric to be super thin, and that I needed to wear it with a slip. So, in the end, while I thought I had made an autumn dress it turned out to be light enough to work perfectly for summer. 

Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.
Turns out I had a vintage hat that went great with this dress

Also, while I don’t usually wear long sleeves during summer I’ve found it most useful since I have recently sunburnt like a lobster and long sleeves are just what I need to protect my poor arms. Note that these pictures were taken before my sunburn… I seriously look awful right now. 

Vintage Pledge

During my make nine this year I committed to making 3 vintage patterns as part of my Vintage Pledge. If you are not familiar the vintage pledge, it is a challenge to sew a number of vintage patterns each year.

Anyways, while Simpclity 3580 might not have been on my list I’m super happy that I finally completed it and that I’m getting some wear out of it. 

I really love the look and feel of this dress. Afterall it’s a shirtdress so of course, I love it, and I really want to make a few more of this dress… eventually. 

Review of yet another completed UFO project, Vintage Simplicity 3580 a 1960's shirtwaist dress with pleated skirt.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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