Akram's Ideas

Unboxing of #KBPatternSwap Secret Santa Edition

As 2017 draws to an end I thought I’d share the unboxing of my #KBPatternSwap Secret Santa Edition.

The KB Pattern Swap

The lovely Siรขn from Kittenish Behaviour organized this fun sewing exchange/challenge. The swap works by having you paired up with another sewing blogger/vlogger and exchange a pattern and fabric inspiration. 

This year I got paired up with Nateida from Natural Dane and I was super excited. Nateida has such energy and a lovely style. 

My Gift to Natural Dane

I’ve been a subscriber to Natedia’s channel for a while and really been enjoying her fabric hauls. 

Getting a chance to see what prints and colors she was naturally drawn too helped me decide what to send her in her package. 

As part of the pattern swap, she indicated that she was really interested in the Anna dress from By Hand London, who can blame her this dress is amazing.

Anyways, I decided to go with the Anna dress for her present since I knew it would be a lovely style on her. I also sent along a vintage 70’s dress pattern that had a similar flowy style. 

Then, of course, I sent her some amazing black satiny fabric with bold pink flowers on it along with a zipper, because you can always use a zipper.

I’m so glad that she enjoyed her gift! 

My Gift From Natural Dane 

First off can I just say “SQUEEE !!!” I am super excited about all the goodies I received. 

Unboxing of my #KBPatternSwap Secret Santa Edition gifted from Natural Dane and hosted by Kittenish Behavior.
I love my #KBPatternSwap gift

Nateida did an excellent job at getting an idea of my style and the Jennifer Lauren Handmade Laneway dress is not only my style it’s a pattern I’ve been eying for a while. 

I also love the vintage patterns and the fabric inspiration is spot on. I’m totally going to do a purple and pink combo for my Laneway dress! 

Thanks again to Nateida for a lovely gift and Siรขn for putting this whole swap together. 

Did you take part in the #KBPatternSwap? Love to hear what you got. 

Unboxing of my #KBPatternSwap Secret Santa Edition gifted from Natural Dane and hosted by Kittenish Behavior.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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