Akram's Ideas

#SwapShareSew Unboxing

I’m #uboxing my #sewing notions package I received from my sewing buddy as part of the #SwapShareSew challenge.

Making Sewing Friends

Sewing is somewhat a solitude hobby reserved for ourselves alone in the comfort of our own little sewing space. The problem is that sometimes we want to socialize with others who love to sew but where do you find those people? 

As it so happens  Jayne of @loopymabels_closet and Rosy @rosysewsmodernvintage thought exactly the same thing and came up with this great sewing challenge to make new sewing friends. 


The #SwapShareSew challenge paired up sewers at random with a partner to swap notions with and share input on your next sewing project. I got partnered with the lovely Maria of @miamandel_creates , in Sweden. Maria is so lovely and has been a huge inspiration for my sewing lately. 

As for my Sewing swap, I got a bunch of great things from Maria, but the tiny turtle tape measure is by far the cutest thing ever! 

I am really glad to have participated in this challenge and to have gotten to befriend Maria. She’s been so fun to talk chat with on Instagram. 

Did you take part in the #SwapShareSew challenge? How do you find ways to be apart of the greater sewing community? 

Akram's Ideas: Swap Share Sew

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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