It’s hard to believe that it was only last Monday that we had snow and below freezing temperatures in the evening. However, it seems that winter is finally over with, since the rest this past week temperatures rose to the upper 60’s and this weekend was in the upper 70’s with a light breeze. The weather was so nice Sunday I had to take advantage of it and decided to work on my flower beds, something that was long over due.
Last fall I dug out some flower beds and even planted some flowers, but since then I hadn’t done much with it. The beds needed to be weeded, and my plan was to enclose the beds with bricks and surround the plants with red mulch.

I didn’t have quite enough bricks for both sides so I had to use some scrape wood to enclose the beds, otherwise the mulch would just fall out of the beds the first time it rained.
While it isn’t completely done I am very happy with how it looks. Not bad for 7 hours of work.
Besides my front flower beds I did tend to some other blooms that had sprung up around the house. I have a variety of tulips that grow close to the house. Many of them had already began to bloom before the freezing temperatures last Monday, and I was worried that they would all just shrivel up and die. Luckily that was not the case, they seemed to have managed and are looking great.

Speaking of looking great so are my lilac bushes in the back yard. I cut them back last fall and they look better than every now.

I am also very happy with my cherry blossom trees. As you might recall I planted 3 Yoshino cherry blossom trees last April to replace the my trees that fell down during a wind storm (read the story here). A lot of people said that it would be hard to grow the cherry blossoms, but if they make it through the first year they should be okay. Well, I’m happy to say that my cherry blossoms are in full bloom this year and they are looking great!

I had a great time this weekend playing in the garden. I’m not usually an outdoorsy person, but the weather was beautiful and my Spring Garden looks fantastic. With that said I’ll leave you with a few more pictures of my flower beds and other blooms.
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