Akram's Ideas

SEW Many Questions

I’m joining the #SewManyQuestions hashtag, which was organized by sewing vlogger JayJay from  The Camden Stitch and Laura from The Specky Seamstress . I encourage you to join in this fun #sewing challenge. Also, feel free to ask me any other questions in the comments below 😁

The Questions

Me, myself and I
1) How and when did you start sewing?
2) How much time do you spend sewing?
3) Who supports your sewing at home?
4) What’s your dream job?
5) What’s your spirit animal?
6) Planner or improviser?
7) Do you have any pet ‘helpers’?
8) Worst habit (sewing or otherwise!)
9) When you aren’t sewing, what are you doing?
10) Where are you from?

Tools, Space, and Equipment
11) Where do you sew?
12) What sewing machine do you own/use?
13) What’s your dream sewing machine?
14) How do you store your patterns?
15) How big is your stash?
16) What inspires you? (Location, family, work etc?)

Sewing practices and experiences
17) Proudest make/moment?
18) Most disastrous make/moment?
19) Biggest sewing hopes/challenges?
20) Woven or Knit?
21) Most used pattern?
22) What’s the one piece of advice you would give yourself if you could go back to when you first started sewing?
23) Roughly how many makes in a month?
24) Who do you sew for?
25) Who taught you to sew?

Sewing favorites
26) Where is your favorite place to buy fabric?
27) Favorite pattern company? (and if you could only sew their patterns forever?)
28) Most favorite and least favorite sewing task?
29) Printed or PDF?
30) Best tip/technique you’ve learned from YouTube
31) How has your style changed since you started sewing?
32) Favorite youtube sewing channels?

Quickfire round
33) Favorite fashion designer?
34) Heels or flats?
35) Ice lolly or Ice Creams?
36) Paris or New York?
37) Gym Bunny or Couch potato?
38) Current box-set?
39) Tea or Coffee?

And finally….

40) Tell us two truths and one lie?

Akram's Ideas: #SewManyQuestions 

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas

