Akram's Ideas

#Re2014 Project and Reevaluating Akram’s Ideas

Candice DeVille of Super Kawaii Mama started a new project called #Re2014. In her post Candice describes the project by saying: 

Each of us comes from different backgrounds, cultures and knowledge bases. We spend hours and hours searching the internet for answers to our questions. We spend hours ogling images of our ‘dreams’, but the questions still remain; just how do you go from where you are to where you want to be? 

So with those question in mind, she came up with #Re2014, where she along with other bloggers who join in, will be posting a monthly post(s) that are related to a monthly “re” theme. 

For January the theme is Reevaluate! Since I had been planning to take a good look at Akram’s Ideas and reevaluate some the direction of the site and what I post, I thought this was a prefect project to get on board with.

#Re2014 Badge
#Re2014 Badge

Thus, Akram’s Ideas will be joining the #RE2014 campaign. Starting with this very post on “Reevaluating Akram’s Ideas”.

The first I wanted to reevaluate the categories for the site. I felt like the categories needed to be updated and rearranged to better focus the content that is posted on the site.

I started by assessing the types of blog post that I write. Next I visited my favorite blogs to get an idea of the types of categories which they used to organize their posts. Then I took a look at the categories and contents of popular magazines and how they organize each of their articles.

In the end I’ve decided to go with the following categories:

Akram's Ideas category names and descriptions
Akram’s Ideas category names and descriptions

Okay I think that covers my category updates. I’ve also been reevaluating my blog layout.  Anyways, in reevaluating the layout I am turning to you the readers. 

While I love the layout I wonder if I need to reorganize the location of items.  Tell me how you’d like to see the layout of the site, here are some things I’d like feed back on:

  • Do my social media links need to be placed somewhere else besides the footer?
  • Do I need an about me blurb on the main page?
  • Should I have a sidebar? 
  • Is the overall organization easy to navigate?

I write this blog because I love sharing my creative and crazy ideas with you guys. You guys, the readers, make the blog worthwhile, so please comment on the site and let me know you suggestions.



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  • Your layout is very clean and has a simple interface and we both know designing simplicity isn’t always easy. I do think the social media links may look better if they were farther down on the page (somewhere in the grassy area). Also if the terrain at the bottom had a few hills in it I think it may make it look a little more organic. Is it possible to crop the grassy area and put the image in a float with a shadow on the horizon line to give a sense of depth and volume?

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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