I hope everyone had a good holiday and took time to get some rest over the holiday weekend.
Seems rest is all I can do these days. As you may have read in my post regarding hula hoops, I had an accident with one. Long story short I injured myself and now am going to physical therapy twice a week.
The therapy, which is pretty much supervised yoga with a few strengthening exercises is really doing me in. I’m so achy and tired from it. But it’s supposed to be good for me. So my long-term goal is to continue this routine after my injury heals so that I keep my core muscles build up. Which by the way I’m told I have no core muscle strength at all, sigh.
The therapy and driving back and forth to Tulsa every week, I’m starting to feel like some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon. This driving back and forth is really taking a toll on me. However, me and my hubby are seeking opportunities to resolve this soon.

Speaking of opportunities, if you follow me on social media, you may have heard that I will be a presenter at the Tulsa Tech Fest. This is a free technical training event takes place at OSU Tulsa campus, on Friday August 5, 2016. I will be presenting a talk entitled “Save Time – Automate Your Social Media”.
Since it’s a free event I encourage everyone in the area to attend. It’s a great opportunity to learn something new. Also I want to encourage all you ladies out there to attend this tech event. In the IT world we could definitely use a large female presence. In fact I’m the only female speaker at this event.
Aside from all this I also have been working on some sewing projects. I also have a totally awesome collaboration project in the works, which I’ll touch on later this month. Plus I have an upcoming video where I make “pie”!
By the way, did you know that I have a Youtube channel? Yep, you can check it out at https://www.youtube.com/user/akramsideas
I’ve got a whole line up of video series, including a Learn to Sew series and a Quickie Bake series. I am really enjoying making these videos and would love to know what kind of videos you’d like to see next.
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