There’s an old Chinese proverb that says “Life begins the day you start a garden”. This is true, because the minute you plant something you are brining life into the world. Albeit plant life, there seems to be something meaningful about adding to nature.
Truth be told I never thought of myself as having a green thumb. I grew up in the city and while my parents had a small garden on occasion I wasn’t one to really tend to it. As I got older I tried to garden a little here and there and nothing ever seem to grow for me. Then when my hubby and me moved to Kansas our lovely vintage home came with a well-established garden.
While the gardening was in fairly good shape it did need some tending to, which I was able to easily do. Then when we lost our trees in a big wind storm I was so upset and felt like we had to plant more trees. We ended up planting Yoshino Cherry Blossom trees, which I’m so glad we did. I’ve always wanted to have my own cherry blossoms.
Then last summer I decided I needed a second set of flowerbeds down the walkway to the porch. While I didn’t think of myself a gardener I felt the garden needed some redecorating, sort of speak. I made flowerbeds, moved plants around and added red mulch to the mix. I thought it looked pretty good for a novice like me, and so did the city. I actually received best yard of the month for August of 2014.
Who would have guessed that a little time in the garden could make such a difference? Not only was my yard looking nicer, I felt better. I felt like I was actually adding to nature, making the world a more beautiful place in some small way. It’s this feeling which I think the Chinese proverb above sort of links back to.
With that said April is national gardening month, in honor of this I plan to share some gardening related posts this month. I also plan to share details on my “Victory Garden”.A victory garden which is essentially a small vegetable, fruit and or herb garden. I’ve heard about so many people starting these victory gardens, I just had to start one.
So, I hope you will enjoy this month focus on gardening and in the spirit of National Gardening Month, be inspired to do a little gardening of your own.
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