Today we break from our regularly scheduled blog post to make the following special announcement.
Yesterday a little after 10 am in the morning, my sister @FateBee gave birth to her first child, Layla Joon Bennett.
Layla weighed a whopping 8 lbs 4oz and measuring just a little under two feet in length.

Layla’s original due date was Feb 4th, however since she was such a big baby, there were concerns whether my sister, whose rather small, could wait that long. So, Monday she went to her obgyn to determine if they needed to schedule a c-section, the brilliant doctor accidentally broke, my sister’s water, putting her into labor.
After sending my sister to the hospital, her doctor informed her that she wouldn’t be able to deliver her until after the Thunder®’s basketball game, that night. Later it was decided that they hold off until the next morning and finally around 10 am they went ahead with the c-section.
Despite all that the delivery went off without a hitch. Layla was born a happy healthy baby and my sister is doing fine.

Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts I wont’ be able to make it down to see the baby for another week or two. However, I’ve been going around boasting like any proud aunt would be, showing pictures of Layala, that were sent to me.
I’m super excited to be an aunt and already have some super cute sewing projects planned for Layla.
We’ll that’s all, I just wanted to share. Tomorrow we return to your regular blog posts.
Thanks, she actually looks a lot like Fatemeh when she was a baby.