Akram's Ideas

Five Questions One Take

Sewing tag challenges are not only fun but also a great way to get to know more about your fellow sewers.

As it would turn out I recently got tagged by Elizabeth from Elizabeth Made This to take part in the #fivequestionsonetake tag.

This tag was created by Lisa from And Sew On to challenge sewing vloggers to answer 5 questions in 1 take no editing. 


This fun challenge is made up of the following questions: 

  1. If you were given a paid sabbatical to spend a year living anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?
  2. Who was your favorite teacher growing up, and how did they influence you?
  3. Name three things, besides, sewing, that you’re good at.
  4. Do you cook? What meal/recipe are you most known for? If you don’t cook, what meal/recipe do you most like to have made for you?
  5. One sewing questionβ€” what is your favorite pattern ever, and why?
Taking in part in the #fivequestionsonetake sewing tag and tagging a few fellow sewing vloggers as well.
Love taking part in these types of challenges

While this is a sewing volgger tag challenge it’s interesting that there is only one sewing related question.  Though that is probably a good thing as it’s fun to learn about the other side of people when we only know them for one thing, in this case, sewing. 

As for my own responses to these questions, I hope I didn’t ramble too much and that my answers made some sort of sense. I tried to keep it as concise as possible. 

Tagging Others 

Okay so now it’s my turn to tag a few others to take part in this challenge, so here goes. 

I’m tagging the following lovely sewing vloggers: 

I hope these guys take part in this fun challenge. Also, if you haven’t watched their channels before you definitely should take a look. They are some great sewing vloggers. 

If you would like to take part in this challenge but don’t vlog, feel free to share your answers to these questions in the comments below. 

Taking in part in the #fivequestionsonetake sewing tag and tagging a few fellow sewing vloggers as well.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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