Akram's Ideas

Nautically Insipired DIY Soap Dispenser

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Since I didn’t teach a full semester of classes this summer this meant that I was able to work many days from home. 

Being at home gave me the itch to do some housekeeping and to work on a few projects I’d been putting off. 

One such project was to make nautically inspired soap dispensers for our master bath. 

DIY Soap Dispenser

DIY Soap Dispenser
What You Will Need Step by step guide to making a nautical inspired diy soap dispenser using jute twine, a seashell and a little hot glue.
  1. Wash and dry an empty disposable soap dispenser
  2. Prepare your hot glue gun and collect your supplies
  3. Taking the end of the jute twine hot glue the end down to the ridge of the soap dispenser at the bottom of where the cap will set. 
  4. Pull the twin tot as you wind it around the soap dispenser. Place a dab of hot glue every so often as you wind the twine around the dispenser to hold it in place and keep it from slipping down. 
  5. Once you’ve reached the bottom edge of the dispenser cut your twine and glue the tip down. 
  6. Take a small to a medium-sized seashell and hot glue it to the center front of the dispenser. Using a seashell that is slightly flat or has a flat back, will make it easier to glue. 
Notes: Be careful of the hot glue 
Difficulty: Easy Rating:  

The project isn’t really that hard. In fact, I used a very similar technique for when I made our rope baskets last summer. 

Akram's Ideas: DIY Rope Basket
This rope basket was made using the same method

This is one of those projects that you can do in an hour. Despite that, it’s taken me over a year to get it done when I said I would. 

This easy project is even fun for the kiddos you just have to be careful of the hot glue. 

Make it Your Own

While I used jute twine and sea shells to give my soap dispenser a nautical look, you can easily change it up. 

Step by step guide to making a nautical inspired diy soap dispenser using jute twine, a seashell and a little hot glue.
This project whips up in an about an hour

The same steps could be used with a metallic twist cord and maybe a decorative charm for accent. 

You can definitely go a couple of different ways with this and the option is totally up to you.  

I’d love to hear in the comments below if you try your hand at this diy project or if you have any suggestions or thoughts about this or other diy projects. 

Step by step guide to making a nautical inspired diy soap dispenser using jute twine, a seashell and a little hot glue.


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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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