Akram's Ideas
Akram's Ideas : 2016 Starts Now

2016 Starts Now

Akram Taghavi-Burris
Akram Taghavi-Burris

“2016 starts February 1st, January was just a trial month”

I saw the quote above on my Instgram feed and thought, yes, that is so true! After all let’s face it most of us are still recovering from the holidays by the time January rolls around. It’s usually too cold to really do anything and a lot of times you’re still not sure what the new year has in store to make any major resolutions.

It makes perfect sense to take January one day at a time and really decide what you goals and plans for the year will be. Taking a full month, without the stress of the holidays, to really assess things is a smart idea.

After all for me January was a really busy month. We spent the first half moving to our new 2-bedroom apartment. When I only really fully unpacked last week. So, everything has been in disarray for a while.

Now that I’m unpacked and have things organized I can really get started with my plans for 2016. Therefore it makes perfect sense for me to say that 2016 starts now, on the first of February.

Okay, so now that 2016 officially starts now what do I have in store for you?

Well as I teased about it last month I’m starting my own YouTube channel, which I should have my first episode up by the end of the week.

Plus, I’m opening my very own Esty shop. The shop will have creative and crazy handmade gifts (made by me) as well as some great vintage accessories.

Then I’ve also started my Akram’s Pattern Stash, a site dedicated to my massive vintage pattern collection. I don’t have it fully cataloged yet, but I hope to share it with you guys soon.

Lastly can you believe I have over 100 Instagram followers. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn’t a lot, but to me that’s amazing! So I plan to do something to celebrate, like maybe a giveaway? Stay tuned I’ll post more on that later.

So there you have it in a nutshell, a few fun announcements about what’s to come to Akram’s Ideas for 2016. Stay tuned for me to bring more creative and crazy ideas to life.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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