Akram's Ideas

Learn to Sew: Bias Tape Facing

In our last learn to sew video we discussed adding a facing around a neckline. Today’s video will be about adding a bias tape facing to an armhole opening.

Bias Tape

Bias tape is a narrow strip of fabric cut on the bias (stretchy) part of the fabric. Because it’s cut on the bias the fabric stretches, making it perfect for sewing around curves.

You can make your own bias tape or purchase it from your local craft/sewing store. Bias tape comes in several different sizes, however, for a simple facing you’ll only need single fold bias tape

Bias Tape Facing

A bias tape facing is a facing made from bias tape. Like the regular facing, you sew the edge of the bias tape to the edge of your curve sewing in the ditch of your bias tape fold. Once attached you fold it over and top-stitch the other side of the bias tape down, encasing any raw edges. Hopefully, the video provides a more visual explanation for you.

Bias Tape Hem

The same method used for adding a bias tape facing can pretty much be used for any type of curved hem as well. This is great if you want a really narrow hem, alternatively, you could use hem facing which is basically the same thing, but typically the size of a hem fold.

My Fave Method

While every person has their own personal preference I like using the bias tape facing in almost all cases. There’s less fabric so there is no bulkiness and I don’t have to use extra fabric for cutting my facing.

The only time I don’t use bias tape facing is when there is a collar involved. I feel like a traditional facing has more weight to keep the collar in place. Also, some patterns have an attached facing as part of the main pattern piece, such as when making a wrap dress.

In this episode of Akram's Ideas, learn how to insert a bias tape facing around the arm hole.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

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