Akram's Ideas
Girl Typing

Why Blog?

Recently Esme and the Laneway blogger Marianne, wrote a post about how an acquaintance of hers thought on some blogs were along the lines of “They’re not even pretty!” why are they even posting. 

Marianne, responded by saying “blogging is being an everyday woman “, which I couldn’t agree more. 

A lot of people see blogs as a vanity outlet, some place for you to ham it up with your personal stories and photos. But that isn’t it! 

Each semester in my intro to web design course, I have students set-up and maintain a WordPress blog. Why? 

I actually get this question a lot. Most of my students are like, I wanted to learn how to make a website not be a blogger. However, there are some important things about blogging that a lot of people don’t realize. 

First what exactly is a blog? 

In the early days of the Web, websites were static, meaning that you created a few pages of content, with images. The user visited your site to get the information, that was it. There was no getting to know your site visitors or communicating with them, other than a simple contact form. 

In the late 90’s early 2000 new technology allowed for a different kind of web experience. Websites could now be built using interactive applications  that promote user participation in way of contributionorganization and creation of content.  This new form of Web technology was called Web 2.0.

A blog (web log) is a type of Web 2.0 web site that is made up of entries/articles referred to as posts, which are displayed in reverse chronological order.

Okay so in short a blog is really just a website that allows for interaction between content creator and reader. 

Some people might say they don’t have anything worth blogging about, or I’m not that self-absorbed to write about myself. But blogging is  not really about you, it’s about what you can share. 

Blogging is about real content. It is important that this content should fresh, timely, and related to the site’s main topics; and most of all real life personal experiences. 

That is what blogging is really all about,  sharing your experiences and getting feedback from a community of commenters. Blogging is about connecting and relationship building. 

In today’s job market employers, especially in the design industry expect potential employees to have a website!

Having a blog though can be  an added plus. Because with a blog employers can not only get a glimpse of your portfolio work, but also learn more about you and your passions. 

On blogs you write about what is important to you, in the case of a future graphic communications professional, you’d be writing about your work, your future goals, you design process, design trends, what inspires you to design. 

It’s these things that employers look for the most! Not to mention good written communication. Seeing how you respond to comments, communicate with others and work within a community is also a big plus, for employers.

I started Akram’s Ideas in 2007, as a place to post my portfolio. At first, I felt like I didn’t have much to say either, but it really was my husband who pushed me to add “CONTENT”. He said that if I really want people to go to my site I need to have content related to what I wanted the site to be about. 

As I started to add content the site evolved to be much more personal. It’s become a place where I can share my hobbies, opinions and crazy ideas.

I’m no celebrity, but I like to think that some of what I have to share is helpful to others.

Like Marianne of Esme and the Laneway , I read blogs, not because these people are beautiful celebrities, world-famous designers, or expert chefs. It’s because they are real people, which makes their words even more meaningful. 

In the end the best way for me to explain why I blog, is in a little song I wrote a while  back: 

I wrote these words
hopping that someone heard the thoughts on my mind
And that they would find
That they’re not alone or own their own
That there’s someone out there who’s willing to lend a hand
Someone who understands

I wrote these words
With the silly thought
That mountains would move and waters would part
An end to the wars that had ever been fought
And the world come together with an open heart

I wrote these words
With great expectations
Hopping to reach all of the nations
Daughters and sons
But if I only reach just one

Then I’ll know, the words that wrote
Made a minor note
In somebody’s life
So I’ll continue to write



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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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